Any Peterborough riders out there?

Heading up to the Peterborough A&W meet tomorrow night, weather permitting. Meet me at the Port Hope Toronto Rd Tim's for a 6:15 rollout if anybody's in.
Hi - I have just started riding again after a long break.
Maybe agree on several spots and times for open rides ?
For example Church of the Open Ride - Sunday morning at 10 am - Tim Horton's on Water St near Trent - on the edge of Peterborough for Northern rides. Are there other threads on Peterborough rides ?
I have been meaning to check out the A&W meet. I have the specials calendar. Next teen burger night I'll be there.
I just found this forum and thread looking for info on a Peterborough bike night. I am a new rider and have not done any riding with others. I met one of the guys from the Chemong A&W night a few days ago and was invited out. I am going to to check it tonight.

I would be interested in getting out with some other riders and learning more.

Riding a 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale.
I am looking to organize a ride sometime next week within the Peterborough area. Depending on who comes out depends the pace of the ride and where we go, I have a number of destinations mapped out.
I am looking to organize a ride sometime next week within the Peterborough area. Depending on who comes out depends the pace of the ride and where we go, I have a number of destinations mapped out.
Let me know when fella. I'd be happy to come up for a ride.
You also have the Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers that meet Thursday nights 6:30ish at the Tim Horton's on Water St by Trent University....there is all kinda of bikes in the group...
I am looking to organize a ride sometime next week within the Peterborough area. Depending on who comes out depends the pace of the ride and where we go, I have a number of destinations mapped out.

I'd be interested(dependent on scheduling). Post up the details...
Thinking this Sunday for whoever is still interested. It's the long weekend, so traffic is always hit or miss (no pun intended) and the law will be in full effect. This will be a ride for all experience levels, nothing crazy.
I am late to this threat but also live in the Peterborough area--actually Bethany--and am a single rider and would love to find some folks to do some low-key touring about. Is anything happening?
Resurrecting this thread again, but I am also in the Peterborough area and would be interested in going on some rides this season.
Resurrecting this thread again, but I am also in the Peterborough area and would be interested in going on some rides this season.

Check back in a month when the roads there are clean enough to ride and we'll see ya out there.
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