Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

Yup, I precondition the Bolt every day, I just can't set it to do it automatically. I'm sure that it will show up in the app as an option at some point, it's not something they need to change in the car, just a scheduler in the app would do it fine.

On a different note, I hopped in my Colorado this morning to start it since it's been sitting in the cold for over a week and took it for a quick spin for gas. It felt like stepping back in time. Slow cranking to start since it had been a while, the smell from the exhaust, the noise, no heat until it warmed up, no power until the revs rise, shift lag from the tranny. Not used to any of that anymore! And then having to stand in -23c to fill it... Not missing all of that stuff at all.

I have not used my second vehicle for anything other than moving out of driveway, and let me tell you waiting for the car to get ready (normally about 20 sec, now about double) is like waiting for paint to dry.
That's an unfair comparison, you should have driven the Colorado the way it was designed to be driven; non-stop to Montreal on a cold winter night. Then you'd appreciate it. Of course if you drive in the same region every day and return to the same spot almost every night, the Bolt will seem better, but how many people use their cars that way in real life huh? Huh?
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Only 95% ? Or is it higher? ... LOL

Look, I know the difference between my two cars, it's just a plain comment how it has felt the last 10 or so days. Of course, if I could go skiing somewhere decent within two-hours drive, the car would shine over my EV .... That's just the way it is this very moment and for next little while I assume.
The Colorado is great, it's just weird after not driving it for so long. The Bolt became our #1 vehicle the moment we got it. It's just so much better suited to almost everything we do, especially right now since we don't really need the truck for truck stuff. I don't have much need to haul anything big or dirty in the winter. In the spring when we get back to doing things outside the house it will be the better choice.
I don't think we are exceptions, but rather represent the vast majority of families with two or more vehicles and living in the city or suburbs.
Wait till the next crop off electric cars make it to the scene from automakers that know how to really engineer a car,

Let me guess, Honda or Tesla, right?

Looks to me like GM is going to be running circles around the competition in a few years:

The automaker confirmed today that they will introduce two new all-electric vehicles “based off learnings from the Chevrolet Bolt EV” within the next 18 months.

Furthermore, those two cars will be the first of “at least 20 new all-electric vehicles that will launch by 2023,” said the company in a press release today

And I'n no GM fanboy, lets not all forget that up until last spring I had 2 Chryslers in the driveway, and still had one until I bought our second Volt a few weeks back, but fact remains they're the best bang for the buck right now in the used market, are notoriously the most reliable EV's out there in their price range, and work well for our needs. The same can not be said for just about any other PHEV/BEV out there.

Tesla is still a big question for me, especially considering even a reasonably optioned M3 will be well north of $50,000 (probably closer to $60,000) here after it's all said and done. When the Big3 start pumping out a multitude of different EV's at 2/3 that price Tesla is going to find it's cachet pricing a harder sell. Again, I'm not being anti-Tesla (Hell, I sat in a Model S last week and liked what I saw), but for a huge majority of the population price comes before cachet.
.... but for a huge majority of the population price comes before cachet.

They will not need to have as large customer base as big 3 or 5 ... they will be a lot more than just a car company. And they will always have following who will reward them with a purchase, just because they have all started it, sort of. Lets be honest, without them, you would not be driving your Volts today ... that in my view is a fact nobody can take that away from them. Not even Sunny, and we know, he knows it all, right?
Re: Kia

Haha, same old Sunny. Honda is great... IPhone sucks...

Don't forget, electric vehicles suck too, but he has a Tesla on reservation.
Re: Kia

Don't forget, electric vehicles suck too, but he has a Tesla on reservation.

We don't know that for a fact (about his Tesla reservation). Knowing his style a little bit by now, I think he just put it in his signature while waiting for the first H2 station in his neighborhood to pop out, so he can then get the Honda vehicle. You know the one passionately designed by Honda engineers and using H2 to propel itself ... priceless.
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Re: Kia

I'm still laughing at how wrong he was about blackberry
In the last few days, I have seen more Bolts than ever before ... looks like their reported great December is starting to show off on the road perhaps. They should be able to sell 50-60K this year, if they can get all supplies.

Although at the DCFC charger still not much change .... me and a couple of Tesla guys ... LOL
They still can't get Bolts to the dealers fast enough.

My Sister and BIL is still wandering back and forth between the Bolt and Volt. She likes the Bolt, he wants the Volt. Not sure what they'll end up...but would really love to have a Bolt in the family. ;)
Right, the Bolt supply is far from where the demand is, but it's good to read that at least in US it's getting better ... I am sure Canadian market is not something they pay huge attention to. Like most other OEM's ... that's just a fact, sadly speaking.

Should be easy for you, to explain to your sister, that the Volt is terrible in so many ways that they should really get Bolt. That's why you have two now, right? ... :-) ... seriously though, they cannot have the Bolt used and they cannot have one till March probably, no? Is that a factor ... or did they find a unit available somewhere?
Re: Kia

Yep. If the deal was with an actual car maker, I could perhaps see a tiny light at the end of very long tunnel ... but Baidu? Yes, I know what you are thinking, but I doubt they will make strong inroads into much in the end.

So what are you saying, that it is not over yet?
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Re: Kia

Yep. If the deal was with an actual car maker, I could perhaps see a tiny light at the end of very long tunnel ... but Baidu? Yes, I know what you are thinking, but I doubt they will make strong inroads into much in the end.

So what are you saying, that it is not over yet?

Baidu is a chinese google. HUGE.

as for the automaker thing....


this is just the beginning, buy your stock now, you will thank me later.

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Re: Kia

Don't forget, electric vehicles suck too, but he has a Tesla on reservation.

Again misquoted, I think the Volt is overrated and not a proper electric car.

If you re-read post #2 of the "electric car" thread almost a year ago, before 99 percent of the people who responded on that thread even knew electric cars even existed, I actually said "the Bolt looks promising"

of course, my prediction was ahead of its time, Bolt now outsells the Volt. GM is axing the Volt in the not too distant future.

Again, in Post 2 of the SAME THREAD, I also said "Electric cars are here to stay, but apart from Tesla, I still think they are in their infancy with their limited range and high price tags."

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*fingers crossed* I have a trip to Windsor in a couple of weeks to look at a piece of equipment to relieve a production bottleneck in some Bolt chassis parts. So far, I don't think Bolt production has been held up because of this, but that new piece of equipment can't get into production soon enough, and I need to do my little piece. I sure wonder where they're going to put it ... the plant that it's going into, is beyond full.

As a parts supplier in the auto industry it's OK to be late, as long as someone else is later.

In other news, Tesla has built around 2500 Model 3s. The original promise (which everyone in the auto industry knew was never going to happen) was to build 100,000 of them in 2017. As of right now, the Bolt is still being built at a faster rate ...
Re: Kia

Again, in Post 2 of the SAME THREAD, I also said "Electric cars are here to stay, but apart from Tesla, I still think they are in their infancy with their limited range and high price tags."

Of course, aside from Tesla, because like Honda, they're perfect, right?

ALL other EV manufacturers and brands are garbage. Er, except the Clarity of course, because...Honda.

Then you went on over countless replies to discredit your own opinions in countless places with contrarian replies, stating that "EV's suck" more or less a number of times.

Hope you're not in a rush for that Model 3. Announced today that they're not even going to make the 5000/week production figure until Quarter 2 next year - yeah, almost summer basically.

Considering that this has happened now, what...three times (?) I won't be surprised when Q2 rolls around and they say Q3 instead. People in the bottom half of the reservation list might see their cars by 2020. I'm sure that the competition will sit on their hands and patiently wait, no problem.

As for the Volt being cancelled, all models eventually come to an end, that doesn't mean GM won't have a comparable model under a new name.

BTW, Honda discontinued the S2000 as well, that doesn't mean it sucked. Models end sometimes, see above, deal with it.
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