Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

Another one that may belong in the investing thread but because its Tesla related. . .

Musk tweeted that the stock price was too high and triggered a 10% drop. How do people own this crap? It's financial future is literally controlled by a madman? Can the SEC completely ban someone from making public statements? He has been fined before for making statements that affected the value of the stock.

Any fine they doll out to him is pocket change. The only ones that suffer are the investors...and possibly their CA workers that can't relocate on the whim of a madman.
Who cares?

Shareholders likely do since just packing up an automotive plant and building/moving to another one thousands of miles away for some perceived change that may not actually materialize is likely to be looked upon as a significant waste of money.

Texas is all open arms right now, but if 4 weeks from now their "Everything is fine, just go back to normal, it's all good" reopening plan goes all pear shaped on them they'll be doing the same thing California is doing right now so arguably even if they'd been in TX vs CA they'd have been no further ahead.
Elon has tweeted he's going to be there on the line and will ask if anyone is to be arrested it be him.

Nah, don't arrest him, just fine the bejesus out of the company for every hour he's open against the law. And make it clear that if anyone spreads Covid within the plant and someone dies because employees were effectively forced to be there that he's on the hook for the legal implications.
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Nah, don't arrest him, just fine the bejesus out of the company for every hour he's open against the law. And make it clear that if anyone spreads Covid within the plant and someone does because employees were effectively forced to be there that he's on the hook for the legal implications.
oh man can you imagine if the government started freezing assets and taking their money.

If he gets away with it, which he will, just watch other plants fire up against orders to stay shut. If he is able to why can’t others? Will be interesting to watch.
If he gets away with it, which he will, just watch other plants fire up against orders to stay shut. If he is able to why can’t others? Will be interesting to watch.
Same game as the reserve that doesn't want to play ball. Line of cops at the gate. It's very difficult to control what you do behind this gate, but we can temperature check every single person going in and out. Be patient, this may take a while.
If he gets away with it, which he will, just watch other plants fire up against orders to stay shut. If he is able to why can’t others? Will be interesting to watch.

Until someone gets Covid and dies, and then spreads it to others and they die. And then the lawyers get involved and all hell hits the fan.

Kind of exactly like what's happened at a few meat packing plants across Canada and the USA.

Musk seems to have some swollen head syndrome where he just refuses to accept that Covid is actually real, and actually harmful for some. I'd hate for anyone to get sick and die because of his actions, but it seems like it's going to be the only thing that causes him to stop and think that his actions have consequences.

Or who knows, maybe he'll be like Trump and consider the mortals below him to be disposable statistics and little more.
I agree with you both. He should be fined heavily and throw in the slammer. He stands to gain 750M if stock is at $X....I’d risk a lot to get that cash.

total ******** the county is trying to work on a ‘essential work only’ instead of just shutting him down.
If he gets away with it, which he will, just watch other plants fire up against orders to stay shut. If he is able to why can’t others? Will be interesting to watch.

They'll only be able to operate for as long as he has parts in inventory that are coming from someplace that doesn't care for his nonsense.

I might know where a couple of those parts come from. I have no idea how many of those parts are in the inventory pipeline, though. It is a certainty that those aren't the only parts in that situation.
I agree with you both. He should be fined heavily and throw in the slammer. He stands to gain 750M if stock is at $X....I’d risk a lot to get that cash.

total ******** the county is trying to work on a ‘essential work only’ instead of just shutting him down.
You can't fine him a meaningful amount. Last I saw he was living off at $550,000,000 line of credit secured against his $40,000,000,000 in Tesla stock. Locking him in jail on the other hand. Yikes. Like a caged lion. He will quickly fall apart when he isn't allowed to get out and do what he thinks needs done.
Tesla, the love-hate relationship.
Love their tech*, the charging network, the performance and range.
Hate Musk, their customer service (used-cars especially), the fan-dom, tech*

*their screen and computer unit are designed to fail after a certain amount of time, but their self-driving and constant updates are amazing.
Tesla, the love-hate relationship.
Love their tech*, the charging network, the performance and range.
Hate Musk, their customer service (used-cars especially), the fan-dom, tech*

*their screen and computer unit are designed to fail after a certain amount of time, but their self-driving and constant updates are amazing.
*except it is explicitly not self-driving no matter what musk and the marketing department spews. It is a cool idea but beta-testing in the wild and killing people in the process is inexcusable.
*except it is explicitly not self-driving no matter what musk and the marketing department spews. It is a cool idea but beta-testing in the wild and killing people in the process is inexcusable.
sorry, *advance autopilot (ie: advanced cruise control)
*their screen and computer unit are designed to fail after a certain amount of time, but their self-driving and constant updates are amazing.
The CARMAGEDDON option? I love it too. Plowing down owners and pedestrians with no discrimination.
-prioritize occupant mode
Haha, that brings up a good point. If "autopilot" was intentionally programmed for "prioritize non-occupant mode" do you think Tesla owners would be so cavalier in its use? I think that is actually a great solution. Every obstacle outside of the car gets priority, that will keep the Tesla driver on their toes (or at least rapidly kill off those that don't pay attention).
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