Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

Haters can hate, but its truly remarkable when you really think about it. Ask anybody, the car business is extremely tough to get into from scratch, but these guys are pulling it off...

In 10 years, Tesla has gone from a one-car company to being compared with Porsche — here's why that's incredible

Poke fun at the Summons feature all you want, but the reality is, that its HERE, and will only get better and better while rivals are still working on a lame azz parking system from 6 years ago (which means it was worked on many years before that) that requires unrealistic circumstances like pre rigged garages with built in sensors.

P.S., of all the germans, I really do admire porsche. loved the 911 since I was a kid, and admired most of their cars growing up (928 S4, 944 turbo S2, the 968, and even the 959) I won't be suprised if a classic 911 finds a way in my garage some day when I have greater financial freedom.
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I'm going to test that this week with VW. My daughter has a 2012 Jetta, it has 100K on the clock, and has never been in an accident. Last week I was checking a squeaky brake and noticed a fist sized soft spot on the rocker support channel -- the metal is completely gone in a 6"x3" section on the passenger side inder the front pillar. You wouldn't notice this but I saw a small rust stain in the seam between the rocker and the front fender so I took a deeper look.

VW has a 12 year perf warranty -- lets see how they handle this.
Another "out" the rust proofing industry had was that if the repair cost is more then vehicle value then sorry. I had a 1988 Mazda B4000 4X4 that I used Ziebart from day one. Truck rusted out bad. Half dozen holes right through. They paid up no issues.
Poke fun at the Summons feature all you want, but the reality is, that its HERE, and will only get better and better

What's the over/under on crashes + pedestrian injuries/deaths between now and then?

"I'm gonna build this many cars by this date."
That's not possible.
"I'm gonna build them in a tent in the parking lot."
I don't see any foreseeable problems with that.

Countdown to first personal injury lawsuit in 3.....2......1......
Countdown to first personal injury lawsuit in 3.....2......1......
Haha, jokes on the owners. Tesla will say you were in control and should have stopped it so your insurance company pays. Shortly followed by "does your vehicle have summon. Oh, then your insurance premium will be double."
Somebody actually wants to pay huge money for that $#@!? :ROFLMAO: put 5 of those in a parking lot at once and you will have grid lock for hours.
Walk to your stupid car dude, it's right there! If I ever see one of those things I'm going to sic my dog on it.
Wow, that sure was "Convenient".

This is a picture perfect example of a video for me to show people when they say "Your job won't exist in 5 years, self driving trucks are coming!". :ROFLMAO:
Tesla responds to rust complaints by updating the owner's manual: Why Are Tesla Model 3s Already Suffering From Rust?

Article includes a snippet from the updated owner's manual.

What idiot from California wrote that?

In the depths of winter, when it is minus whatever temperature, I explicitly AVOID washing my car. First, I probably couldn't, because the hose is probably frozen. Secondly, even if I could, it would turn the driveway into a skating rink. Thirdly, doing so is guaranteed to freeze up all the door locks and latches (which haven't exactly been trouble-free on Tesla cars to begin with). Fourth, water + salt is worse for corrosion than dried salt and dirt when it's really cold! You'll never get all the salt out ...

The warning that corrosion might not be covered by warranty is ???.

Tesla, how about just building your cars properly, and designing them properly, and doing proper validation testing in cold climates with snow and slush present, to avoid problems like this happening in the first place. Remember "We don't need to do any validation testing, we can simulate it all on the computer!"

My cheap little Fiat has seen three winters and it doesn't have corrosion like that.
Parking lot wars, i can see it now;

Groups of people standing by the curb with groceries in hand waiting for their Tesla's in a line to finally make it to them. I'll probably be home before the 10th Tesla pulls up.
Parking lot wars, i can see it now;

Groups of people standing by the curb with groceries in hand waiting for their Tesla's in a line to finally make it to them. I'll probably be home before the 10th Tesla pulls up.
How many do you think will hop into the wrong car and not realize it until they try to plug their address into the GPS to get home?
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