There are quite a few '16 and '17 LTs for the same price as new on Kijiji at the moment. WTF?
Yeah, it's a big issue and unique to the fact that these cars get the big rebate. Unfortunately a lot of dealers (and private sellers) seem oblivious to the reality that a new Volt ends up being nearly the same price as well used 1 and 2 year old Volts as a result.
Anyhow, shifting the conversation....if the ice storm does end up being as bad as it seems like it's going to be (we are in a much higher risk zone out here east of Scarborough/Pickering according to the latest outlooks) and we end up without power...I have my 2500w inverter at the ready and by the morning will have 20KW of stored power to run it sitting in the driveway.
