Any good politiciqns left?

I disagree... to me she sounds like a ban now, ask questions later type of politician.

She has no clue if wifi decimates the pollinating bee population, but she believes so. If she were in power she'd be likely to ban wifi before the science is in.

Sorry... but I prefer politicians that don't make knee-jerk reactions (very few and far between). She is only asking for more research now because she is not in power. If she were ever in power she'd likely knee-jerk like the rest of them.

Sorry, I just cannot trust any person who chooses politics as a vocation.
She said it might be related to the disappearance of pollinating insects. Again, an important distinction. And it might too, if the science hasn't disproved it (I don't know).

To be honest, I'm OK with humans serving as guinea pigs before the health risks of new technologies are known, like we've done before with PCBs and raw sewage and tailpipe emissions and birth control pills and lead solder and and and...

So yes, by calling for the end to a smart meter program in BC she seems to be acting ahead of any concrete info. But I'm not gonna fault anyone who thinks we should be more proactive in guarding against the risks.
It took till December but this thread has made me dumber just by reading it. Well played lads.
Anything i can do to help?
you know I'm in Hamilton a lot in the middle of the day, for no particular reason. I should buy you a cheeseburger and have you explain political structure, the gravitational pull of the moon and possibly shed architecture. You insight may be priceless, or worth a burger.
They lived there from 1985 paying the subsidized rate. Only in 1990 just before the story broke did they start paying extra. Sounds like they were sucking from the government teat to me... just like I wouldn't be surprised any left wing socialist to do.

From wikipedia:
Layton and Chow were also the subject of some dispute when a June 14, 1990, Toronto Star article by Tom Kerr accused them of unfairly living in a housing cooperative subsidized by the federal government, despite their high income.[SUP][36][/SUP] Layton and Chow had both lived in the Hazelburn co-op since 1985, and lived together in an $800 per month three-bedroom apartment after their marriage in 1988. By 1990, their combined annual income was $120,000, and in March of that year they began voluntarily paying an additional $325 per month to offset their share of the co-op's Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation subsidy, the only members of the co-op to do so.

And when in Ottawa, they both put in for and received the maximum housing allowance for MPs, despite sharing a single dwelling. They did like their public housing, the scamps!
you know I'm in Hamilton a lot in the middle of the day, for no particular reason. I should buy you a cheeseburger and have you explain political structure, the gravitational pull of the moon and possibly shed architecture. You insight may be priceless, or worth a burger.

I don't think I could make my reality your reality. My offer of help was nominal. Actual intentions are different. See what I mean?
And when in Ottawa, they both put in for and received the maximum housing allowance for MPs, despite sharing a single dwelling. They did like their public housing, the scamps!
Gotta love socialists, lol
She's an idiot for doing her duty, even when faced with the risk of criticism from the peanut gallery?
It technically isn't her duty to file the petition - she chooses to file every petition her constituents make, where other MP's might choose otherwise. Neither does it make her an idiot, but she may be an idiot for other reasons I don't know of. From what I read in Sonny's link, it seems she makes the choice to do that which she feels best represents her constituents. I think it it's a waste of time for her to not filter out the nonsense petitions and submit all that cross her desk, but that is her choice to make.

I do not know any one politician who "is good anymore". They are all human beings and all faulty to some degree.
It technically isn't her duty to file the petition - she chooses to file every petition her constituents make, where other MP's might choose otherwise. Neither does it make her an idiot, but she may be an idiot for other reasons I don't know of. From what I read in Sonny's link, it seems she makes the choice to do that which she feels best represents her constituents. I think it it's a waste of time for her to not filter out the nonsense petitions and submit all that cross her desk, but that is her choice to make.

I do not know any one politician who "is good anymore". They are all human beings and all faulty to some degree.
One's duty isn't just what other people tell you to do. She made a commitment to her constituents and she followed through even when it's not of political benefit to her. If anything that story shows just how much better she is than the rest because she understands her responsibility to the electorate and she represents them equally.

It shouldn't be for her to filter out the voices of however many thousands of people petitioned for something she disagrees with. If she got as many petitioners supporting increased funding for tar sands exploitation, she'd present that to Parliament too. And not because she agrees.
Personally I think we need more scientists and mathematicians in office and much fewer lawyers. We need people that can properly analyze data and make informed decisions, not people who are trained to argue and sway decisions not necessarily based on data. In that manner, I think a scientist or mathematician politician would be less likely to make knee-jerk reaction policy -- unless, of course, that scientist gets sucked into the popularity contest game and starts with the hyperbole like David Suzuki.

Elizabeth May: lawyer
Thomas Mulclair: lawyer
Any good politicians left?

Well, I have no clue, but I do know that there are many who will do less harm than the PM and his team of "superstars" we currently have. It has been embarrassment on many levels, and you would hardly find anybody else doing Canadians and Canada more disservice.
Do you guys really know how the system works?
You have no good people because most of you do NOTHING to help the good people get in office to start with.
You sit back and complain.

Let's say 3 of us are running for the Purple Party, they already have candidate they want to green light therefore the party will support the person the insiders they want and not the truly better person. It means person x will make it on the ticket and person y (better person) will be dropped. That's where the community has to truly push and support person y from the start.

That's where we/you have to get off your butts and get to the local level and work up. Get to know the people that make decisions and actually support them.
Setup dinner parties and invite at least 10 people you know. Grass roots, take control and take it back one square at a time.
If you have someone you know and has demonstrated they are there to make things better not line their pockets or for ego then help fund them and work on their campaigns to get them in. The easiest is school trustee.

Pick the people from the square you live in and support them since they will help make policy that effects your square, then help move them up to represent the larger square.

It takes about $10-15k to run as a Trustee and about $20-$30k for City Councillor if you are serious and want to win. Defeating incumbents is very difficult.

If I said I wanted to run for Trustee and showed you my actual efforts/history of work I did to better support the parents and kids, how many of you would say hey, what can I do to help you get there???

just sayin'
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Do you guys really know how the system works?

If I said I wanted to run for Trustee and showed you my actual efforts/history of work I did to better support the parents and kids, how many of you would say hey, what can I do to help you get there???

just sayin'

If I like you and values you stand for, I would let you you have a bit of promotion off my property, and would definitely spread the good word ... but you have to find me, I simply don't have the time to find you ....

And because, nobody really good usually comes around, I end up going for the least hurtful choice to my and my values ... not ideal, I will admit, but that's basically how it goes.
Rob ford

If I like you and values you stand for, I would let you you have a bit of promotion off my property, and would definitely spread the good word ... but you have to find me, I simply don't have the time to find you ....

And because, nobody really good usually comes around, I end up going for the least hurtful choice to my and my values ... not ideal, I will admit, but that's basically how it goes.

lawn signs are $5 - $10 a piece
How many sings can I put you down for (you pay for the signs)?

The good people tend to be working folks with families and trying to step up to make a difference for their kids and community.
It is the other types that have special interests funding or have $10k+ they can just burn through win or lose.
Clearly then tend to win because they come with $25k+.

Do you see the problem now?

That's why I said grass roots, you get 10+ friends/family have a dinner party including providing funds and maybe time to help the campaign.
That folks is how you start protecting your square.

But hey, folks have no time.
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