Any Glider pilots here?

Maybe get a sea plane( I know there's a seperate rating for it) and then try out landing on different lakes? Some areas in Northern Ontario can be accessed very easily by aircraft.
My buddy has floats or wheels. So far he has stuck with the wheels. Maybe floats next year. Big hit on speed (~20 mph) and fuel economy. He does the same things we do on motorbikes, he just does them further away. Instead of going up to the forks for lunch, he goes to Elmhurst. Instead of going to haliburton for the weekend, he goes to tremblant. Covid was fun as Pearson was a ghost town so they would approve low passes by anyone.
Years ago I wanted to do the float plane thing. Looked at how much it would cost and I definitely didn’t have the disposable income then. It’s a pricey proposition. If I win the lotto then it’ll be one of the first things I do, otherwise I’ll get my thrills on the bike.

I guess there’s also microlights too but my wife likes having me around above ground for now.
Years ago I wanted to do the float plane thing. Looked at how much it would cost and I definitely didn’t have the disposable income then. It’s a pricey proposition. If I win the lotto then it’ll be one of the first things I do, otherwise I’ll get my thrills on the bike.

I guess there’s also microlights too but my wife likes having me around above ground for now.

I asked about a flight in a DeHavalin Beaver on floats (Must be a radial engine) and it ran about a grand an hour. Seats 5-6 IIRC so do the math.

Some interesting flights out of the Canadian Warplane Heritage. The Lanc is pricey but some others not too bad.
I asked about a flight in a DeHavalin Beaver on floats (Must be a radial engine) and it ran about a grand an hour. Seats 5-6 IIRC so do the math.

Some interesting flights out of the Canadian Warplane Heritage. The Lanc is pricey but some others not too bad.
If you want to pay to fly check out waterloo warbirds. Less uppity than Hamilton. If you want a ride in a cool radial they have a Harvard. You have to take a chute because that's your seat.
Build an Osprey II. Amphibious plane. good specs. the kit is around $7500 US. I don't think that includes the engine though.
Cool plane. Complete it looks like they are about 50K when complete. Much cheaper than a certified float plane.
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Cool plane. Complete it looks like they about 50K. Much cheaper than a certified float plane.
Talked to a guy years ago that had built one, and crashed it. He loved it but didn't have the time to build another one. Said it had taken years to build the first one.
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