Another way to get an exact quote besides buying motorcycle?


I recently gotten my M and have been shopping around for a SS. So far I've narrowed it down to 2 but before I pull a trigger on either of them I want to find out how much my insurance will be. Is there any other way to get a VIN to give to my broker or is my only option is to buy it and wish to high heavens insurance companies don't charge me an arm and a leg?
You don't need a VIN for a quote, I've gotten quotes without for cars and motorcycles. The only problem would be if who you are speaking to doesn't enter the model specifics properly, then when you provide the vin it can change.

If it's really an issue for you many ads from dealers have the vin listed, or just call the dealer or private seller and ask for the vin.
First part of the VIN identifies the motorcycle type and model and only the last few digits are unique to the individual motorcycle, supply them with about the first 12 characters of the VIN and they should be spot on with the quote.
If sellers won’t give out there vin number just go to a dealer that has a similar model in stock and take a pic of the vin. Maybe not the specific bike your going to buy but at least it would be a quote on an SS bike and most will be similar.

Or go look at one of the ones your interested in and do the same but don’t tell them if you think they’ll have a problem with it. It’s not a big deal but people get weird about vin numbers.
The broker, or application, is using Autoplus to rate you.
Autoplus uses the VIN to identify the vehicle.

Find a bike that you're looking at on the street and copy the VIN. Use that VIN to get quotes.
Find a better broker. Any experienced with bikes will not need a VIN.
As others stated, VIN isn't required for a quote. However, when supersports are concerned, it is good to provide the VIN to the insurance broker and have them confirm the quote with the underwriter. When I was shopping for a SS, I had brokers provide quotes without a VIN. But when it came time to actually pull the trigger, they backed out once I supplied the VIN. Luckily I hadn't made the purchase at the time.
Thanks for the input guys, I guess I'll give a call to my broker and hope the quote isn't to much higher than what I'm paying right now
Thanks for the input guys, I guess I'll give a call to my broker and hope the quote isn't to much higher than what I'm paying right now
Not sure what you ride currently or your age, but all SSs carry a premium. Not all insurers would touch it either.

You may get enticed into bundling car/home with bike for upto 50% off the bike rate, but almost always, in my experience, the car and home rates are highly uncompetitive.
Yeah I hit 30 last year and got my M this year. My insurance is around 1400ish for a ninja 300 which is currently paid it off(renewal is in august so no idea what the new premium will be). And if anyone is wondering it will be my third year of insuring a motorcycle in august
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