Another rider down

ugh what a mess on the end of a long weekend...pretty serious injuries from the reports.
Hope they all survive.


yeah KLR650

rear tire looks very strange. Almost looks like a dark side conversion.

looks like a cardan shaft
Mute that vid.
I know they were just having some fun. I can't blame them for that because they are young and I was there at one time in my life taking the same risks, but for crying out loud try to have some common sense. They wear expensive "safety" helmets, high-fashion protective leathers, then they go out to one of the busiest and likely deadliest for motorcycles highways in the world and go completely nuts through wall-to-wall traffic.

Dance to the Devil's tune, pay the Devil's price.
It looks like more than three bikes on that video? I guess those other guys must of got out of there as fast as they can, so much for brotherhood.
It looks like more than three bikes on that video? I guess those other guys must of got out of there as fast as they can, so much for brotherhood.

I see opp having a field day with that vid. I'd hate to be one of the riders in that video...
To quote the former Turbodish....nice catch. They'll get the added bonus of some serious charges once they heal I'm sure. Thanks, dickheads!
It looks like more than three bikes on that video? I guess those other guys must of got out of there as fast as they can, so much for brotherhood.

Did spot The one guy came to check on the body, and there was another bike parked.
I see opp having a field day with that vid. I'd hate to be one of the riders in that video...

Its just going to help with even more legislation that will come soon.. Graduated licencing for Motorcycles in the form of reduced CC or HP etc. It will happen. Theres enough accidents and incidents this year to help fuel someone's perusal to make changes.
Did not watch vid. Did something bad happen?
Yes. And the big theme of 2014 is bike riders causing their own crashes, and riders over 40.

Are riders over 40 over represented in death stats? The OPP don't have total rider numbers. 38% of deaths his year were riders aged 45-54. But that age group may well make up more than 38% of total riders. I can't find crash stats; it might be that older riders are in fewer accidents but are more likely to die.

This has been a grim year, looking at a 7-year high for fatalities. And yet I still rarely see hi-viz jackets, bright helmets, attention-grabbing swerves before intersections, etc. No doubt being a beginner in his forties makes me more cautious, but still surprised by the lack of defense. To each their own.
I didn't see the KLR in that video. What are the chances he was just an innocent solo rider that got nailed by one of those idiots?
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Mute that vid.

Agreed lol

On a side note, if any of you know these guys, please tell them to shrink the group and go up north or go to the track -_-
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