Another question for the trades guys here

decent houses in Hamilton are still available where the price tag starts with a "1"......
I say if you can buy do it and asap cause home prices just keep going bonkers you gotta get in the shell game sometime cause house prices are going up faster than most folks can save their duckets. Here in oakville house prices have almost doubled in 6 years and this lowly TRADESMAN is upping the ante and am investing in 2 townhomes for rental from the equity gained and keep in mind I am very handy can do any renos thanks to being a tradesman so upkeep won't be a problem. In 6 years from now if things stay the same my house doubles again plus the 2 townhomes double.You could never lose in real estate LONG TERM and is well worth struggling for.
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So if i answer the "how much do you make" question, would i be bragging?

Ill give you the math. I bought a 236k house 3.5 years ago with 5% down. I pay 651 accelerated by weekly including property taxes, i pay additional 100 for next years property tax (their screw up from before). I cover house ins, cable and enbridge for another 220ish a month. Mu fiancee pays for electricity, misc and food.

add another $433 for my vehicle payment and ins and thats my monthly bill load.

My biweekly pay cheque covers all mu monthly bills with leftovers. The following pay cheque goes towards mortgage, savings and paying the Jeep off earlier.

Other than the Jeep and mortgage i owe no other debt.

To say i leave well below my means is an understatement. My fiancee can quit tomorrow and it wont impact our lifestyle too much.

Of course i can go and buy a bigger house closer to GTA (eeew), new bike, new vehicle, latest gadgets, but im allergic to debt. I basically live as if though this job could go away at any moment.
So if i answer the "how much do you make" question, would i be bragging?

Ill give you the math. I bought a 236k house 3.5 years ago with 5% down. I pay 651 accelerated by weekly including property taxes, i pay additional 100 for next years property tax (their screw up from before). I cover house ins, cable and enbridge for another 220ish a month. Mu fiancee pays for electricity, misc and food.

add another $433 for my vehicle payment and ins and thats my monthly bill load.

My biweekly pay cheque covers all mu monthly bills with leftovers.

I should hope so. That doesn't sound like a big bill at all... if you're a 'pro' at whatever and aren't bringing in at least $4k clean at the end of the month you're doing something wrong.

My only debt is the mortgage on my $700k home and the associated costs. Insure 3 cars and a motorcycle, pay for internet, food, etc. My salary covers every penny the wife and I spend. We blow her salary on improvements, vacations, etc.
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Larger than 50% of condos in T.O.

How cheap is Rent in the Hammer?

one of the house listings above is rented @ 900.00 + utilities, there are lots of apts in the 800-1000. *CAVEAT* , in the same area as the 89,k houses. Hamilton is an oddity in 95k houses, go three blocks and its 250k houses, go three more blocks and its 750k. There are areas of yikes who lives here, and places that are incredible.

So a fiancé says buy me a house and you can kiss me where it stinks, so he bought her a house in Hamilton......
I should hope so. That doesn't sound like a big bill at all... if you're a 'pro' at whatever and aren't bringing in at least $4k clean at the end of the month you're doing something wrong.

Yes! I'm barely succeeding according to this number! Lol

So a fiancé says buy me a house and you can kiss me where it stinks, so he bought her a house in Hamilton......

Buy HER a house to kiss her there? No thanks. Most girls will let you kiss there, it's the other things you might want to do back there that you have to bribe her for, haha.

I have an aunt in Hamilton who is a janitor and she owns 3 houses there. They're definitely cheap.
I guess I need to fight mine again. I was thinking that it's been over 8, which would put my house at over 1.1.

It's nowhere near that.

A single mom friend looked outside the city, but as close as she could get.
She ended up in Brampton, so it's definitely doable still.
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I guess I need to fight mine again. I was thinking that it's been over 8, which would put my house at over 1.1.

It's nowhere near that.

A single mom friend looked outside the city, but as close as she could get.
She ended up in Brampton, so it's definitely doable still.
Hey Baggsy boy do you always write in riddle form? "I guess I need to fight mine again. I was thinking that it's been over 8"

Fight what? been over 8 what? and fyi new build semis in brampton will run you 500k-600k

Am not picking on ya just curious.
I don't get what you're pointing out with this information. You basically said condos were cheap, I said not really, you come back with an example of a more expensive condo?
I was making a point that prices are relative.

Sold a Condo by the Rogers Centre for over 400k, so it all depends
Fifth highest murder rate in the country, the hammer is not all milk and honey...

There are some very nice areas and some very sketchy, prices adjust accordingly. There are still some decent stuff in and around 200k.

All in all I always recommend that people live where they have access to jobS in their chosen careers-profession-trade instead of just near their current job.
Just don't move east of the city, were full. The commute has gotten drastically worse in the last 3 years.
Just don't move east of the city, were full. The commute has gotten drastically worse in the last 3 years.

Hey, i know. Let's tear down more Gardiner, and make Eastern one lane.
For some reason people keep electing these left wing loonies.

It used to take me 12 minutes from Swansea to the Beach or back, not that long ago.
I bring more than 4k clean. 20+ % more. I didn't want to get too specific.

Theres a reason It doesn't sound like a big bill because it's not, on purpose.

I didnt want want to fall into the hole a lot of people fall into. As soon as they make more $$ their monthly bills go up in proportion, only to end up living paycheque to paycheque.

Best part of this job is that my daily monetary drains have basically gone away. My food is paid for by company, the second my vehicle moves from my driveway I'm billing 54c a km. so gas and wear and tear that I'd accumulate by commuting is gone. That's a $100 a week I don't have to dish out anymore. Overall very ahoy with this job.

I should hope so. That doesn't sound like a big bill at all... if you're a 'pro' at whatever and aren't bringing in at least $4k clean at the end of the month you're doing something wrong.

My only debt is the mortgage on my $700k home and the associated costs. Insure 3 cars and a motorcycle, pay for internet, food, etc. My salary covers every penny the wife and I spend. We blow her salary on improvements, vacations, etc.
Fifth highest murder rate in the country, the hammer is not all milk and honey...

There are some very nice areas and some very sketchy, prices adjust accordingly. There are still some decent stuff in and around 200k.

All in all I always recommend that people live where they have access to jobS in their chosen careers-profession-trade instead of just near their current job.

Inreb lives in/near the hammer. You have been warned.
Hey Baggsy boy do you always write in riddle form? "I guess I need to fight mine again. I was thinking that it's been over 8"

Fight what? been over 8 what? and fyi new build semis in brampton will run you 500k-600k

Am not picking on ya just curious.

McGlaughlin between Ray Lawson and Derry. Semis starting at $550k. Saw this when I was at my parents house. I almost $hit myself. I thought the semis on my street going for $650k was insane.
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