Another new toy: Freya J-em guitar

Yeah, don't blame you on that one. If I had a D28, I'd keep it under lock and key and awy from uv and humidity and temperature changes and... ;)

I do have a humidifier in the case, but like any acoustic instrument, the more it gets played, the better it sounds! It lives in the case when not being played, whereas my takamine just hangs on the wall!
Yes, they need to be played. My poor Fender 12 string sat in a closet at my Dad's for years with no humidity control and it soaked up too much water, even the truss rod appears to be rusted (it doesn't turn, only squeeks). A little humidity is good, too much is very bad. :(

I'm working up the courage to attempt the fix while I research the repair....

So what about the bike/jam idea? Anyone know of an open mike night we could plan to attend?
Yes, they need to be played. My poor Fender 12 string sat in a closet at my Dad's for years with no humidity control and it soaked up too much water, even the truss rod appears to be rusted (it doesn't turn, only squeeks). A little humidity is good, too much is very bad. :( I'm working up the courage to attempt the fix while I research the repair....

Too little is even worse. I have a buddy with an early 70's Ibanez acoustic that developed a couple of cracks in the front face from it being stored where a wood burning fireplace was supplying the heat.

So what about the bike/jam idea? Anyone know of an open mike night we could plan to attend?

I'm down in St. Catharines, you're "NE of GTA". There's a lot of territory in between!
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