Another lovely Wynne Bill - Bill 89

Since you think 1.3>1.5 , I feel I should ask what your interpretation of the word "shadow" is
Why you ask me that? I didn't even finish high school
Next the government will want to lower the age of consent.
Next the government will want to lower the age of consent.
....all in an effort to boost population numbers. We're importing refugees in an effort to sustain population numbers
Next the government will want to lower the age of consent.

someone should test that theory of madness
email Wynne and say since you are allowing kids to do X then you need to lower the age to 12 like other countries that are "progressive" if not she is being unfair to those kids.
See if she does something that stupid.

It's funny, age of consent is 15 (I think) in Canada but you have to be how old to drive/vote/smoke/buy alcohol.
Hell you can't enter a movie rated R or buy a video game BUT we allow a 15 year old to MAKE KIDS...
This ugly drag wants to mess up as many kids as possible to increase her special orientation base.

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