Hang on a mo. Losing your job with cause is pretty serious. It is difficult to find another job and without the income you may well lose your car and your home. Your whole family will suffer. That is why employment tribunals consider sacking to be like a capital offense and require that it was necessary.
I am getting concerned that we are punishing people for behavioural lapses that often occur at a festive event where the offender is possibly impaired. You know nothing about what happened, what this man is like, or other contextual facts yet you are happy to condemn. I hope you never get chosen for jury duty, and if you do please watch Twelve Angry Men first. We are all too human and prone to stupidity--should our lives be ruined because of it? I hope the employer gets to follow their HR policies rather than be bullied by the braying mob. Investigate and determine a proportionate response. Perhaps unpaid suspension during which the man takes equity and diversity training.
There is a miasma of sanctimonious, hypocritical, prudishness surrounding this. So Joots, heckling bad, physical assault good? I trust the next time a comic ridicules you because of: your appearance; incoherent answer to a question; presumed sexual deficiency; crappiness of your job; or any other of the routine comic targets that you will head to what, the police? The Star? The Human Rights Tribunal? Lenny Bruce, Redd Foxx, Richard Pryor, Jimmy Carr, Lisa Lampanelli, Doug Stanhope, and all the rest: the angry, frightened, foggy brain of Joots wants to punch you.
Wow, there is someone literate on this forum! An intelligent and reasoned response, shocking.
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