Another Day in the City with people on Cell Phones ... ( Mississauga )

I don't own a bike or even ride but have been contemplating for quite some time. Only thing stopping me is winter and money. Last week I rode my very first bike (dirt bike) and it was so much fun so it is really tempting.

I would say that OP is wrong but you guys have already done so. He's not listening. I just hope that the OP consists of only a minority of riders because I don't want to associate myself with dangerous, angry, cocky etc. speedsters.
Dude 4200 posts really wow still rocking out in Mom's basement, Just because you post dosent meant you know crap. You should give up on the replies.

Please join your fellow member of Critiquers corner and get a lan party going on. Get some Anime up on the big screen and rock out with your cock out.

Don't have time for this Internet argument , I'm off for a beer and a Lap dance. later lossers ( Critiquers corners members )


LAN Party....
Mom's Basement...
Anime up on the big screen....

I've never laughed that hard in a long time...LOL
I really hope everyone who has an issue with a speeding car on the highway posts a video and ******* about it....
As for the members of Critquers corner please come out for a ride let's see your skills. I want to see your 3" chicken stripes on your bikes.
Then again you probably think a rider with no chicken stripes is a stunter and a danger on the road.
I wish i had chicken strips, that would mean I am racing better :)

Dude relax lol
I wish i had chicken strips, that would mean I am racing better :)

Dude relax lol

lol Street riders are in a constant battle to get rid of their chicken strips. Racers want them back!
Did you ever think that she was paying attention, realized that you and the car infront were merging at a dangerously slow speed, saw a gap in the left lane that she had to accelerate to fit into. Hammered the gas not to cut you off (self centered much?), but to be able to fit in that gap and not have to make you a hood ornament?

nah that cant be it, shes a ****** who wanted to cut you off.
i guess the option of slowing down to let the faster moving vehicle pass isn't a valid option
Maybe it wasnt. Maybe it was a column of cars with no room to merge? In the end, she moved over just not in time and satisfactory fasiom for OP self entitles ego to accept.

i guess the option of slowing down to let the faster moving vehicle pass isn't a valid option
Can't believe I missed this thread. Based on the mad skills and attitude are we sure crnac isn't therealknex, maybe he finally hit the Hwys, was he on an r6?... At least he didn't stall...
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What did I miss? Everything looked copacetic to me. You could have always opened up and blasted between the cars to get to the safer open road OR just slooooow down and leave enough space.

All in all, your video looked like any other day riding in the GTA.
Another Day in the City with people on Cell Phones... ( Mississauga )
I was going to smash off her passenger side mirror but... I was in a good mood today.

buddy in the white with one hand on his leg is a total ****** bag.
Did you ever think that she was paying attention, realized that you and the car infront were merging at a dangerously slow speed, saw a gap in the left lane that she had to accelerate to fit into. Hammered the gas not to cut you off (self centered much?), but to be able to fit in that gap and not have to make you a hood ornament?

nah that cant be it, shes a ****** who wanted to cut you off.

Also if you tailgate a butt dragger in the merge lane you end up having to force your way into traffic just like butt dragger. What are the cars in the right lane supposed to do? Follow duck lady's example?

Always give yourself room to zoom.
For anyone just tuning in:

OP posts a video on YouTube, commentors don't take his side. OP shares the video here, no one takes his side.

OP decides being loud and angry will remedy the situation and begins a barely coherent rant. Accuses people of living in parents basement. Speculates about people wanting to report him for excessive lean angle. Suggests people who have been riding for 5x as long as him have been 'doing it wrong'. This is all based on... um... nothing?

This thread is entertaining if nothing else.

Who is this troll? My mums basement? I'm probably old enough to be your dad oh brilliant one. I simply was saying if you don't want these kinds of replies then stop posting. You're right though . I don't know crap. How can I compare with an expert of 3.5 years and a whopping 60k? Lap dances and beers. Badass! You must be one of these ballers I keep hearing about. Maybe you can teach me how to do on ramps or rip the dvp sometime. I hear that makes you like a canadian Rossi. The way you carry on here is what's getting you these responses. Don't like it then go ride or god forbid, grow up

Also if you tailgate a butt dragger in the merge lane you end up having to force your way into traffic just like butt dragger. What are the cars in the right lane supposed to do? Follow duck lady's example?

Always give yourself room to zoom.

Room to zoom... lol I like that.
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