Another Bike Theft Fraud ?

I hope lots of people read this post and are very careful about inviting strangers to their property. I constantly see "well-heeled" people invite strangers to their place to sell parts and show off their toys, not knowing what the poeples real reason is for arriving. I sell lots of parts and never meet at my place, since once they see all the toys, they also think "what else do they collect" Please be careful and only use reputable shops and/or people to work on your prized posessions.
Also, be careful with mobile car cleaning and waxing if you have nice stuff.

If you look at the stats, the "well-heeled" crowd aren't getting their BMWs, MVs and Ducatis stolen. It's the guys with Gixxers, ZXs, and CBRs that are getting their toys nicked, specifically the 600s, because the parts market is bigger for those motorcycles. My buddy's condo garage got broken into, they stole an older Gixxer Sixxer and left his brand new 2023 KTM 1290 SAR unmolested.

Where I live, it's the dirtbikes that are being targeted.

Regardless, I agree. If you are selling a bike, meet at a gas station or mall parking lot, never at your own house.
Speaking of Frekeyguy, is he actually a licensed mechanic? I thought by law you had to be licensed to work on someone's vehicle for money?
Never bothered to ask. He’s worked on all my bikes over the last 5-7 years and I’ve never had any issue with his work.
If I were you I would take a good look at the senders profile here and see if they have any activities on the forum. Previously, I have had some people respond to my ads, which I was sure of being spams.
When I posted a WTB for a gaming chair random guy PMd me that he’s got what I’m looking for….I’m Saskatchewan / Manitoba so he’ll ship it free for half the cost of retail.

Scam? Maybe

But I wasn’t going to drop $250 to find out.
As well as keeping your garage door shut the same goes for your mouth. A lady that lives near us had a rare clock, so much so that some TV show wanted to do a number on it. A few days after the show aired she had a break in and the only thing taken was the clock. Never to be seen again.
I don`t think I understand. Was the clock taken or the old woman. Never to be seen again. LOL.
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