Aminal & Fozzy's Fall ride and BBQ

I'm In!
Only 1 week away now! It is imperative that we finalize some numbers and ask that you please RSVP latest this Wednesday. We do not want to have a shortage/overage of food and drink as we are sure you can appreciate. Looking forward to seeing everyone and having another great annual BBQ.

Aminal & Fozzy
Im in with a couple of pals and Maury
For those who wish. I may lead to the zoo for those who wish to meet me at hwy 9 & 27 at Timmies. IGA parking lot Schomberg. Will confirm later this week.
Just wondering how late this runs? Not sure I can get there 'til later in the afternoon and maybe join in on a group ride home. LMK. Cheers.
Tied up with work until afternoon.. won't make the ride for sure, but I'll try and show up at the park if I can get there before everyone clears out. Weather permitting.
Heard it's a lot of fun! Planning on coming with 2 others, weather permitting. Will come directly to Midland, instead of meeting in Elmvale. Hoping for sunshine :)
woo hoo !
Im trying to get in on this again with some of the SSR.
This ride / party is always great and I so look forward to it. :p

Need to do an engine change and if that works out I'll see you guys / gals again !!
Those wishing to meet me in Schomberg at Timmies at hwy 9 & 27 I will be there around 8:30am and will be leaving by 9:00am.
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Does the pavillion have lots of picnic tables or should I think about bringing my own chair?

The pavilion has plenty of picnic tables and washrooms just around the corner!
Don't forget your camera, it offers some pretty nice scenery to!
Cheers 8)
That's it Slap!

Weather for Sunday is 30% chance of rain and a high of 14, hmmmmm!But, when was the last time the weather man got anything right? Dress warm and rain gear might be an idea..... just in case.
Cheers 8)
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