All though ridiculous I can somewhat understand people's frustration, maybe make a "White Alert" which a text gets sent and pops up on your phone as priority without an audible alarm. Would prevent all this headache for emergencies at night.
It’s complicated enough as is getting a functioning emergency alert system that works as universally as possible across all cell phone makes and models – and as this thread evidences, it’s still a work in progress at that.
Splitting the system up into different flavours or levels of emergency just complicates things even more – for example, if there was actually a very real nuclear emergency at one of our nuclear power generating stations, I don’t want to find out about it nine hours later while I was asleep in bed.
For the same reason I disagree with being able to disable them either, because you know many people will, then cry about it when there is a real emergency some day that does actually effect them but they weren’t notified of because of their own actions. Let’s use severe summer storms/tornadoes as a real world example – how often do you hear about oblivious people that get caught in severe weather that risks their lives and then blubber on TV afterwards about how “I had no idea, why didn’t someone tell us??!?” after the fact?
And of course because now everything that goes wrong to even the most clueless or oblivious amongst us is somebody else’s fault, well, you see where I’m going with this.