Am I the only one to own (much) more than one set of motorcycle gear?

Well of course!

At the time I sold a bike (2018) for a car, my head wasn’t into riding any more for various reasons.

It took me a few years but, I returned to riding in 2021.
Damn, I thought I could add to my m/c gear collection from your closet clear out :ROFLMAO:
Living in Ontario and happy to ride all year I had decades of accumulated smorgasbord of gear to cope from the warmer and warmer summers starting even in June and extending to September and then cool and colder into to winter
Couple of helmets, multiple gloves, couple riding pants and several jackets.
Numerous layers underneath.

I'm sorta similar that I have a mix of gear, but not a ton of gear. I buy what I need to stay comfortable in different conditions, and then I use the crap out of it until it's worn out. My current textile riding jacket is going on about 6 years old now and is getting faded, but is still comfortable and warm, so when the zipper broke last summer I spend the money to get it fixed and will continue wearing it.

I bought a set of textile riding pants this past fall, something I'd never bothered with before, but really should have considering how much shoulder season riding I do. One big ride (my IBA back in October) made me realize I should have made that decision years ago - there is no substitute for good gear, and I started and ended that day in near zero degree conditions, so they were glorious. They'll probably be something I'll now wear maybe 5-10 times a season tops, but they'll be appreciated.

For anyone interested in the pants thing like me but doesn't want to spend $250-$300+ for something they might only wear a few times a year, they were an Amazon purchase, an off brand type thing, but I'm 99% sure they are rebranded Oxford pants - they match my Oxford textile jacket almost perfectly, and the liners even have the identical red piping along the edge. Super happy for $100, suffice to say.

I don't have a ton of extra gear aside from what I'm actually using at any point in time, though. I have a full face that I rarely wear unless it's cold or raining as I enjoy my half helmet far too much, when it's hot I ride without a jacket at all (yeah, I'm not an ATGATT guy, it's a risk I understand and accept), and I do have 3 pairs of gloves depending on the weather, a heated vest, but aside from that, not much. I collect helmets - when my helmets are worn out and reach end of life I hang them on a nail in the rafters just as a memory of the rides they were part of. I'm sure my kids will enjoy throwing all that garbage out when I kick the bucket lol.
Started riding M/C with leather jacket, gloves and IOM legal "pudding basin" helmet & goggles. If raining or snowing, added long rubber raincoat and hip waders. (1958-1959). By the 70's and 80's - jet pilot ( DOT Approved) helmet & goggles Waxed cotton 2 piece riding suit. By the 90's, full coverage (multi approval) helmet with visor, more advanced Belstaff waxed cotton jacket & pants. 2010 to present time, full coverage helmet, Aerostich Darien armoured jacket, waxed cotton over pants, leather motorcycling gloves, motorcycling leather boots or hip length rubber boots.
Started riding M/C with leather jacket, gloves and IOM legal "pudding basin" helmet & goggles. If raining or snowing, added long rubber raincoat and hip waders. (1958-1959). By the 70's and 80's - jet pilot ( DOT Approved) helmet & goggles Waxed cotton 2 piece riding suit. By the 90's, full coverage (multi approval) helmet with visor, more advanced Belstaff waxed cotton jacket & pants. 2010 to present time, full coverage helmet, Aerostich Darien armoured jacket, waxed cotton over pants, leather motorcycling gloves, motorcycling leather boots or hip length rubber boots.
I had a nice waxed cotton Belstaff touring jacket about 10 years ago, it was stolen from a coat hook at a pub in Unionville a few days after I bought it.
I've kept a fairly good control of my gear (simply because I'm cheap):

1 mesh jacket
1 leather jacket
1 set of leather pants (thanks @matthew)
4 helmets (thanks @shanekingsley)
1 motorcycle
1 pair of boots
1 pair of rain boots
2 pairs of Kevlar jeans
3 pairs of gloves (2 summer + 1 cooler weather)

In the end I use all of it, except the helmets. I threw out my old BELL helmet but don't see a need to get rid of any others.
Pretty much the same here, I've got 2 of everything except only 1 pair of boots.
I'm currently trying to sell stuff on FB marketplace, it's a pain in the butt.

4 leather suits, already sold one and have another still for sale but will be getting a new one before the season starts.
6 textile jackets (3 for sale)
3 pairs of pants
2 street/track boots
2 dirt boots
4 street style helmets
3 Dirt helmets
Too many gloves.
5 bikes.

And then Kyle has a similar collection 😅

I also have spares/retired gear like 2 pairs of boots and a whole bunch of crashed helmets on display.
I need to come up with a display of some type for my garage so that I can put my helmets there. Between my wife and I we have 2 MX, 3 sled, 1 track, 4 street helmets. Nice if I could incorporate my track onesie in there as well. Maybe that'll be a winter project.

I bought a couple of these off of Temu (but they’re on Ali Express too) and believe it or not, they work great! The screws were a bit soft (read easy to strip) so go easy or replace with proper hardware. But solid and does a great job holding the helmets!

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