Am I a little paranoid?

Not if they are out to get you!
You gotta go with what makes you comfortable, but if you stop enjoying life for fear of what you might loose when you're not looking, then I'd suggest that you may want to re-evaluate your priorities and/or values.

(Insurance was created for exactly this reason).
I don't get how my fear of getting my bike stolen requires me to re-evaluate my priorities or values? I spent a long time saving and waited 8 years to get this bike-- I believe my priorities, hard work and values are exactly where they need to be.

I totally agree with jolomatic, if you dont have theft insurance it's not really worth bying a bike unless if something that people would never steal.
I have full coverage on my bike! I've had my car broken in to before and it was not fun getting reimbursed.

Ride More! Worry Less!
When I'm riding, I don't worry about my bike getting stolen!
Maybe you should buy crappier bikes? Nobody steals those!
I don't get how my fear of getting my bike stolen requires me to re-evaluate my priorities or values? I spent a long time saving and waited 8 years to get this bike-- I believe my priorities, hard work and values are exactly where they need to be.
No offence intended, man.
You started a thread titled "Am I a little paranoid" - I assumed you wanted honest answers.
My point was that it sounds like you are letting your fear (your word) overshadow your joy - in my world that sort of situation calls for some serious introspection.
I live at Scarborough/Markham area and I ride my bike to movies all the time, not too worried about it. Go the movies with your bike, just take the helmet and gloves in with you.
Not paranoid. I won't leave this baby out of sight. I had my previous bike keyed TWICE. Trust no one!

...I have my bike for leisure, so there is no reason for me to leave it unattended for long periods of time. If I have to run errands or go to work, I take the car.
I don't get how my fear of getting my bike stolen requires me to re-evaluate my priorities or values? I spent a long time saving and waited 8 years to get this bike-- I believe my priorities, hard work and values are exactly where they need to be.

I have full coverage on my bike! I've had my car broken in to before and it was not fun getting reimbursed.

When I'm riding, I don't worry about my bike getting stolen!

We have to accept the realities of life including low lifes but I'm wondering if the word "Fear" is a bit strong. I am concerned about my bike and take due diligence to protect it. I also accept that if I am in South Dakota and my bike disappears at night I will be greatly inconvenienced but I will survive.

I have never had a car last more than a couple of months without some slob door dinging it so I would never own an exotic as a daily driver. I to a degree restrict where I park my cages if they have expensive goodies in them but I don't sit at home hiding under a blanket.

It all depends on your risk tolerance.

I have always wanted to see Mount Rushmore and also wanted to do a major M/C trip. A few years ago I rode to Rushmore and back getting in some family visits at the same time. I had some concerns at a few stops but nothing went wrong. If I had been too paranoid the trip never would have happened.
dont leave your bike anywere
Should be ok. Nothing ever gets stolen in Scarborough...
LOL! =)

That's what insurance is for man! Don't let criminals control how or when you ride!! Park it right out in the open, don't hide it in a parking spot where it's easy for them to jack it.

-Jamie M.
...I have my bike for leisure, so there is no reason for me to leave it unattended for long periods of time. If I have to run errands or go to work, I take the car.

LOL! =)

That's what insurance is for man! Don't let criminals control how or when you ride!! Park it right out in the open, don't hide it in a parking spot where it's easy for them to jack it.

-Jamie M.

Yes, but going through your insurance is a hassle. It takes time & you rarely get the value you feel your bike is worth. Plus, some people actually get attached to their vehicle, replacement value for them really doesn't suffice. Better to take preventative steps to avoid that run-around.
im so paranoid of people backing their car into my bike. For those of you that always have their bike in sight, have you ever witnessed someone touching moving hitting or what evering your bike?

Couple of people sat on it...
One guy sat his kid on it and took a couple of pictures, thankfully I was there and nobody did any damage...
Now I just tuck my bike behind a pick up truck we have on the lot and nobody even attempts to f*** around!
I'd rather my bikes get stolen then knocked over. At least then after paying my deductible I'd get a new bike. If it gets knocked over, i'm out the repairs and still stuck with the same bike.
I'd hate to think someone might steal my bike, but worrying about it seems futile.

If a thief really wants something, they'll get it.

It would take great pleasure in catching them attempting to steal it.
I'd hate to think someone might steal my bike, but worrying about it seems futile.

If a thief really wants something, they'll get it.

It would take great pleasure in catching them attempting to steal it.

It's happened before, that if a theft is very determined,they would even break into the house to steal the keys to drive off or ride off whatever they want (regardless if people are in the house).
You are not paranoid. Park the Viffer in the isle of the theater :-)
My bike is worth more to me stolen. I carry theft insurance, and I'm hoping that someone steals it. Seriously, because then I'll have an excuse to upgrade.
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