It was quoted earlier. 7 percent goes to research. Thats pathetic.
Another reason there is no $$ in Research & academia. You spend your life in school & no one is willing to pay you
It was quoted earlier. 7 percent goes to research. Thats pathetic.
"life is short", but its even better when you can get suckers to pay your way through it.......
I'm going to start my own charity. Check out what the ALS CEO and CFO "earn".
that same page after itemizing what is spent on salaries goes on to say how if you are pro-life ALS research also supports stem cell research from aborted fetuses. it looks like a good chunk goes to education and a good chunk goes to supporting current sufferers of ALS. the page doesn't mention exactly why more money should go to research from helping those that have ALS... the salary percentage is kind of a red herring as it's not something that will scale with the amount of donations the charity gets, it's a basic cost of doing business.
that same page after itemizing what is spent on salaries goes on to say how if you are pro-life ALS research also supports stem cell research from aborted fetuses. it looks like a good chunk goes to education and a good chunk goes to supporting current sufferers of ALS. the page doesn't mention exactly why more money should go to research from helping those that have ALS... the salary percentage is kind of a red herring as it's not something that will scale with the amount of donations the charity gets, it's a basic cost of doing business.
Animal testing is such an important process in issuing medicine out for the public. Are you willing to be a guinea pig for a new drug?Given that US foetal stem cell research has been limited to existing cultures since Bush, in the US, that objection pretty much only works on those who are ideologically disposed to believing it. In other words, people who watch Fox News.
Then you have the PETA types, who refuse to 'take the challenge' because of the animal testing issue. I'm not a fan of animal testing, but I also realize that modelling can only take you so far.
Animal testing is such an important process in issuing medicine out for the public. Are you willing to be a guinea pig for a new drug?
Animal testing is such an important process in issuing medicine out for the public. Are you willing to be a guinea pig for a new drug?