Almost got hit this morning


Well-known member
This is why technology can never beat human abilities. A gunmetal newish Jeep Compass almost hits me while I was passing her on DVP Southbound on express lane. Her left mirror had that BLISS indicator thingy illuminated bright yellow or orange and it stayed on solid. Still she turns on her signal and immediately tries to come to my lane. Obviously I honk and she goes back to her lane. I looked at her and she had no remorse/no wave of apology. I have her description including plate and car. Too bad nobody would believe me.

I need to ride with my gopro.

Stay safe everyone.
She was probably high as a kite. It's encouraged these days.
good outcome for something that happens everyday

every - focking - day

don't matter who has the right of way, prepare for the worst, ride defensively, and live to tell the stories
It's an excellent public service announcement.

Never assume when you can see the safety devices of vehicles, the operator is aware or even knows what they are.

I've had vehicles "drift" into my lane, while riding and driving. The can see the light in the mirror and they still do it.

Just like everything else, they just do what they want and make everyone else get out of the way. Ignore them and look forward.

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This is why technology can never beat human abilities. A gunmetal newish Jeep Compass almost hits me while I was passing her on DVP Southbound on express lane. Her left mirror had that BLISS indicator thingy illuminated bright yellow or orange and it stayed on solid. Still she turns on her signal and immediately tries to come to my lane. Obviously I honk and she goes back to her lane. I looked at her and she had no remorse/no wave of apology. I have her description including plate and car. Too bad nobody would believe me.

I need to ride with my gopro.

Stay safe everyone.

Shift over in your lane, throttle-up, avoid > applying horn, recording license #.

forum needs a thanks button

What is the purpose of recording the plate number of a car that didn't hit you?
What is the purpose of recording the plate number of a car that didn't hit you?

They're the easiest to record? I mean, if you're going to record plate numbers why make it harder than it needs to be? Ever record a plate number of the car that just ran you over? It's not as easy as it sounds and it doesn't even sound that easy.
Blind spot indicator plus blinker should have had the jeep beeping at her too. That's how it works in hyundai's anyway. No amount of technology can fix stupid and ignorant.
They're the easiest to record? I mean, if you're going to record plate numbers why make it harder than it needs to be? Ever record a plate number of the car that just ran you over? It's not as easy as it sounds and it doesn't even sound that easy.

Again what's the point of recording the plate number of a car that didn't hit you? You're gonna have a collection of these recorded plates that you will look at every night before going to bed? This scenario happens daily, sometimes multiple times daily. I don't even get why you would spend the time to come on here and describe the scenario. As other have said, drive with 150% attention and vigilance and hope that you are able to avoid getting run over.
What is the purpose of recording the plate number of a car that didn't hit you?

Again what's the point of recording the plate number of a car that didn't hit you? You're gonna have a collection of these recorded plates that you will look at every night before going to bed? This scenario happens daily, sometimes multiple times daily. I don't even get why you would spend the time to come on here and describe the scenario. As other have said, drive with 150% attention and vigilance and hope that you are able to avoid getting run over.
He wrote >
Meaning do ABC over doing XYZ
Horn, throttle, avoid
Record plate etc

He's typing on an iPad and his fingers are getting old ?

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This scenario happens daily, sometimes multiple times daily.

Lol, this.
You ride a motorcycle, you got into motorcycling knowing that this would happen often. I see bikers overreact because a car started to make a lane change into their lane, but then catch the same rider weaving in and out of traffic 10 minutes later. Just lol.

Riders can be such drama queens.

(not against OP, just riders in general)
Again what's the point of recording the plate number of a car that didn't hit you? You're gonna have a collection of these recorded plates that you will look at every night before going to bed? This scenario happens daily, sometimes multiple times daily. I don't even get why you would spend the time to come on here and describe the scenario. As other have said, drive with 150% attention and vigilance and hope that you are able to avoid getting run over.

You don't have a use for random numbers? Ever play the lottery? Those numbers don't just appear from thin air. LOL, of course I'm just joking. Sorry didn't mean to make you like like a fool. Ya, no, you'll notice most legally registered cars have identical front and rear plates. The car missed him going one way well what about the return trip? Lucky twice? I don't think so(see lottery).
They're the easiest to record? I mean, if you're going to record plate numbers why make it harder than it needs to be? Ever record a plate number of the car that just ran you over? It's not as easy as it sounds and it doesn't even sound that easy.


For what it's worth loads of bikers seems to ride like an arseholio right now. I witnessed multiple bikes wayyy over speed limit down Brock st whitby today about 4 pm. We honestly don't expect you to be going that fast. I know, it's exciting getting back out but calm ye titties!

Plus what bb said.
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