almost clipped by a driver on a cell! | Page 2 |

almost clipped by a driver on a cell!

When riding a motorcycle, I would honestly avoid Steeles between Victoria Park and Brimley. I can't count the number of times I flipped out between that stretch of road. :angry4:...

I heartily agree. Go south to McNichol or Finch and then eastbound. Sheppard near Kennedy is also terrible due to the Go overpass project that restricts traffic to one lane.

You ride in Scarborough and we have terrible drivers. When going through an intersection I always ride in the right track of the lane, which gives you better visibility to left turning drivers. If in doubt about a driver, slow down and honk your horn. Just because they are looking at you does not mean they see you and acknowledge your right of way. Even if they see you does not mean they won't hurt you anyway.

Then telling us the driver turned into Pacific Mall says it all. You would have gotten more sympathy points if you originally stated this. I will guess that the driver was Chinese.
@ride sorry my bad ur right, westbound! haha
east bound is not so bad

and yea i always try to wiggle a little bit if safe to do so before crossing the intersection. and have my 2 fingers and foot ready to go on the brakes.

speaking of smelling pot from the vehicle ahead. i actually smelt it from a jogger early morning on my ride lol. on hwy7 she was jogging down hwy7 smoking pot on a sunday morning lol. once i passed her i smelt it for the next 1/2 block LOL

the balls of that lady eh haha broad daylight 10am smoking pot on hwy7
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I heartily agree. Go south to McNichol or Finch and then eastbound. Sheppard near Kennedy is also terrible due to the Go overpass project that restricts traffic to one lane.

You ride in Scarborough and we have terrible drivers. When going through an intersection I always ride in the right track of the lane, which gives you better visibility to left turning drivers. If in doubt about a driver, slow down and honk your horn. Just because they are looking at you does not mean they see you and acknowledge your right of way. Even if they see you does not mean they won't hurt you anyway.

Then telling us the driver turned into Pacific Mall says it all. You would have gotten more sympathy points if you originally stated this. I will guess that the driver was Chinese.

I just started work and am living in markham for the next 4 months. Mind you im from mississauga/oakville area where the drivers are ALOT better. I have never been so enraged riding.. I actually try and speed up to the front of all traffic so i dont get stuck when some **** happens. Funny thing too was I was way ahead of traffic on the left lane and some guy decides to gun it 50+ to pass me on the right. Like WTF?!

Don't get me started with Steeles....good god...ppl scared driving slow in the rain on the LEFT LANE?! I guess they can be my shield when a left turner smashes into em when i pass on the right? :)

I'm gonna start staring and waving my finger.

Yep there are provisions under the law for the police to use a cell phone for emergency purposes. But like you, I think they should be expected (read: enforced) to follow it when it isn't a dire emergency. I visited some friends in New Zealand at the beginning of the year, while I was there a newspaper had a front page picture of a cop holding a phone to his head, the headline was something like "What good is the cell phone law if the police don't follow it?"...


Actually, emergency vehicles (popo, fire and EMS) are exempt from the cell phone et al provisions of the legislation whether they're dealing with an emergency or not.

I couldn't care less what's causing the distraction to the driver, if they're driving like idiots they should be dealt with. Why they're driving like idiots is irrelevent. Personally, I'm more concerned with the GPS users that can't see out their windshield with their GPS in the middle of it but even so, deal with the bad driving, not the technology.
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