almost clipped by a driver on a cell! |

almost clipped by a driver on a cell!


Well-known member
today i was traveling down steeles and this guy was waiting to make a left, he SAW me coming through the intersection because he didnt move until i was 1/2 way thur at least.

once i was 1/2 way thru (i was on the left lane in blocking positon)

he started accelerating and just missed my rear by 3 ft or less.
AND he was on his cell phone! wasnt like i was braking or going really slow thur the intersection.

man that ****** me off. if i stretched my arm out i was almost about to touch his side mirror. i know this cuz i flung him a birdie and my arm was already 1/4 of the way to his mirror.

i dont even know why he has his license if he makes turns before vehicles clear intersections

where are the cops when u need them =/
p.s. steeles east bound from markham road to kennedy right lane is TERRIBLE! pot holes size of a young child! ride on the left lane or u'll be swerving every 5 seconds between craters
I had the same thing happen to me last week, except with a TTC bus. She missed me by about a foot. I pulled over and called it in.

I'm sure nothing happened.
yea those darn TTC drivers are so overly protected by their union. which is why they keep going on strikes asking for pay raises..i wonder if anyone can actually get fired from TTC lol..
yea those darn TTC drivers are so overly protected by their union. which is why they keep going on strikes asking for pay raises..i wonder if anyone can actually get fired from TTC lol..

I guess you should read the news. TTC is an essential service and cannot go on strike. Also, the amount of abuse those drivers go through every day would probably lead the average person to go on a stress leave within less than a year.
Should have pulled up at him at the next light and lay on your horn- right next to his window - this works well for me - I have a air horn installed ;)

I almost got rear ended by some stupid ***** on her cell yesterday. That **** drives me crazy! You know when they passed the hands-free law I was only somewhat in favour of it. Since I started riding, I not only fully support the law, but I think the police don't enforce it enough.

Last week I saw someone talking with their cell plastered to the side of their head. A cop happened to be driving directly behind the offending driver, so I honked my horn at the cop and made a phone shape with my hand and pointed at the driver. The cop didn't do anything, he just looked at me and kept driving. I was disappointed to say the least.
hahah air horn! thats a good one =p!!

@ sundance i totally feel the same way, cant beleive that cop didnt do anything about that guy on the phone.

what was worst today than cell phone drivers. i saw a guy smoking in his car. with his 2 kids no older than 6! in the back seat...WINDOWS UP! i smoke myself, but i would never smoke around children. which by the way is illegal ( cant smoke inside a car with kids younger than 16 in the car)
my last crash was because of an incident like that...then the ****er ran off after I went down from having to dodge him when he cut me off. I'd have chased him and ******* him out if I were you
he turned right into pacific mall, too many ppl watching haha.

though maybe i should have did a u-turn and smashed his side mirror and zoom off lol

wow, u know if sum one causes someone else to crash (bike or car) at least have the decency to stop and make sure the biker/driver was ok. if i just drove off like that seeing a biker on the ground. i'd have nightmares for a long time not knowing if that guy is dead or not.
Also, the amount of abuse those drivers go through every day would probably lead the average person to go on a stress leave within less than a year.

Try being a minor hockey referee or minor sports official.
Hockey Canada loses 10,000 officials each year (as quoted by Hockey Canada) due to abuse of fans, coaching staff and players.

Sorry to threadjack...
I almost got rear ended by some stupid ***** on her cell yesterday. That **** drives me crazy! You know when they passed the hands-free law I was only somewhat in favour of it. Since I started riding, I not only fully support the law, but I think the police don't enforce it enough.

Last week I saw someone talking with their cell plastered to the side of their head. A cop happened to be driving directly behind the offending driver, so I honked my horn at the cop and made a phone shape with my hand and pointed at the driver. The cop didn't do anything, he just looked at me and kept driving. I was disappointed to say the least.

couple weeks ago I pulled up next to one of Barrie's finest, look over at him and he's yapping on his cell. now, if it's police business and they are en route to an emergency and it's necessary to talk on a cell that's one thing, but stopped at a light? if it's not an emergency, they should have to pull over or use a hands free device just like anyone else.
@ sundance i totally feel the same way, cant beleive that cop didnt do anything about that guy on the phone.

Probably didn't think the paper work was worth it.

I'm constantly calling drivers out that are talking without a handsfree or texting. I pull up next them and shake my head while gesturing a phone with my hands to my head or tapping my thumb on my forefinger to indicate texting.

Pointless? Maybe. But I know everyone sees me and if that person is embarrassed for the rest of the drive with anyone else shaking their head at them, then it was worth it.
Probably didn't think the paper work was worth it.

I'm constantly calling drivers out that are talking without a handsfree or texting. I pull up next them and shake my head while gesturing a phone with my hands to my head or tapping my thumb on my forefinger to indicate texting.

Pointless? Maybe. But I know everyone sees me and if that person is embarrassed for the rest of the drive with anyone else shaking their head at them, then it was worth it.

I do the same thing sometimes. But I'm selective about whom I do it to; reason being the potential for revenge-road-rage. If it's a teenager or someone with (IMO) a smaller tendency to react poorly then I'll honk and finger wag like your mother would do. If it's some guy in a pickup truck or a contractor van the testosterone from Tony Spaghetti and his van load of Timmies swilling goons I'll probably just try to put another car between myself and him. It really depends on the likelihood of them being embarrassed by publicly shaming them. I know someone will reply to this saying that it's bad to piss off the cagers because they'll run you over but it is what it is.

couple weeks ago I pulled up next to one of Barrie's finest, look over at him and he's yapping on his cell. now, if it's police business and they are en route to an emergency and it's necessary to talk on a cell that's one thing, but stopped at a light? if it's not an emergency, they should have to pull over or use a hands free device just like anyone else.

Yep there are provisions under the law for the police to use a cell phone for emergency purposes. But like you, I think they should be expected (read: enforced) to follow it when it isn't a dire emergency. I visited some friends in New Zealand at the beginning of the year, while I was there a newspaper had a front page picture of a cop holding a phone to his head, the headline was something like "What good is the cell phone law if the police don't follow it?"

...@ sundance i totally feel the same way, cant beleive that cop didnt do anything about that guy on the phone.

what was worst today than cell phone drivers. i saw a guy smoking in his car. with his 2 kids no older than 6! in the back seat...WINDOWS UP! i smoke myself, but i would never smoke around children. which by the way is illegal (cant smoke inside a car with kids younger than 16 in the car)

I think we need that kind of public pressure for police to obey the law themselves and to actively enforce it when to ensure public safety. Health issues aside (I'm not your father so I'm not gonna lecture you) I'm glad you would do the responsible thing by not smoking around kids. I'd be tempted to memorize the plate of the person you saw smoking with the kids and making a call to the police about it. If the police give you a line about "nothing we can do" my response would be "how about you put me in touch with the community policing officers and children's aid". Their response would be priceless ;)
the other thing that bothers me to no end is getting a good whiff of pot from the vehicle in front of you. I've got nothing against those that are recreational users (just as I'd expect nobody here would object to me having a beer on my back deck on a nice summer evening, everyone has their preference), but do you really need to smoke up in the car? What makes that ok but drinking and driving not ok?
the other thing that bothers me to no end is getting a good whiff of pot from the vehicle in front of you. I've got nothing against those that are recreational users (just as I'd expect nobody here would object to me having a beer on my back deck on a nice summer evening, everyone has their preference), but do you really need to smoke up in the car? What makes that ok but drinking and driving not ok?

I've detected that too. It upsets me a lot because not only is it breaking the law but you know someone around you is probably impaired and therefore endagering your safety. Being high on a substance is just as bad as being drunk.

But I do have an issue with the drug use seperately from the impairment because the proceeds of the drug use contribute to organized crime. (I don't intend to debate the organized crime aspect beyond this because this thread is about driver distraction.)
I've detected that too. It upsets me a lot because not only is it breaking the law but you know someone around you is probably impaired and therefore endagering your safety. Being high on a substance is just as bad as being drunk.

But I do have an issue with the drug use seperately from the impairment because the proceeds of the drug use contribute to organized crime. (I don't intend to debate the organized crime aspect beyond this because this thread is about driver distraction.)

it's not even about the drug use/organized crime. I'm sure there's lots of guys that smoke that grow their own. Like i said, you wanna smoke a spliff on a friday evening in your back yard, go ahead. it's the "I have 2 bowls for breakfast, and only one is cereal" crew that piss me off. Impaired driving bothers me, no matter what the substance is.
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