Alleged Auschwitz guard, 93, arrested in Germany

The German people, have not moved on. There is a distinct lack of national pride. You will rarely see a German flag flying anywhere, except from government and banking buildings. They are afraid of showing any national pride lest they be branded Nazis.

A close friend related a story to me. A woman in his office came to lodge an HR complaint about another co-worker. Why? Simply because he had a German flag in his pen cup, and she was offended by it. It didn't matter that there were similar flags all over the place in the office - because it was during the World Cup of Soccer.

That's because the holocaust is shoved down their throats every day of every year. It's a constant cloud over Europe. Special interest groups have made an entire industry of it, and its in their interest to keep the wounds fresh as long as possible. Read what Norman Finkelstein had to say about it in his books, and google what these certain groups are doing all over Europe regarding land/property claims and flat out requests for reparations. And for some asinine reason, these western governments tend to always cave in, too....
i think north america will have another go at the germans in the near future.
So what happened to the 20 million Russians and the millions of Chinese that also perished.
Where or from whom do their relatives collect from?
Being shot in the head for defying military command or face accessory to murder 70 years later, I know the choice I'd make. Sorry Jews.
My family background is pretty much 100% German.
Some of my extended family served in the war for the German army. They were not the SS.
The city they lived in was flattened. The area my grandmother last lived in had nothing left - well away from any industrial or military installations.

One thing that very rarely gets touched on -- the majority of the soldiers DID NOT want to be stationed at the concentration and death camps. They were assigned, just like any other post. If a guard DID NOT do what the SS or commanding officers demanded, they were shot dead - on the spot.

If this fellow who is going to be charged was indeed a guard who followed orders simply to stay alive, I hope they are lenient. If he was not there under those circumstances, then he deserves whatever he has coming.

As for the "Get over it" and "move on" comments... Quite a few people have moved on, whilst others cling to their suffering and let it define who they are.

The German people, have not moved on. There is a distinct lack of national pride. You will rarely see a German flag flying anywhere, except from government and banking buildings. They are afraid of showing any national pride lest they be branded Nazis.

A close friend related a story to me. A woman in his office came to lodge an HR complaint about another co-worker. Why? Simply because he had a German flag in his pen cup, and she was offended by it. It didn't matter that there were similar flags all over the place in the office - because it was during the World Cup of Soccer.

I wish I worked there.
I wonder if said person drives a German car or is offended by the VW commercials.
HR should be talking to her or sending her for sensitivity training.
Except this isn't a bank robbery, but a global war. I understand chasing high ranking officers and commanders for war crimes, but some grunt who was following orders? And apparently just a cook or a guard? Shouldn't even register on the radar, IMO.

There's a difference between war combat killings and exterminating civilians in a production line fashion.
Just out of curiosity.. what are your backgrounds ? and can you answer honestly ?

I'm Canadian and had no relatives in the wars.

All I have to say has already been said, did any ally commanders get charged, any pilots for mass murder? Did everyone forget it wasn't only Jews, but retarded people, gypsies, political prisoners, etc...

It was an all out war, don't forget, but do move on.
If you had a number tattooed on your arm I'm sure you'd have a different opinion.

It was horrible to think about and seeing it in Band of Brothers made me weep like a baby, but it's history, I'm not saying forget it, I'm just saying to move on.

Rwanda has and that was even more gruesome. Living in the past hasn't done anything except make a select few money, oh and gotten a specific religion an entire country, but let's not go there eh.
My family background is pretty much 100% German.
Some of my extended family served in the war for the German army. They were not the SS.
The city they lived in was flattened. The area my grandmother last lived in had nothing left - well away from any industrial or military installations.

One thing that very rarely gets touched on -- the majority of the soldiers DID NOT want to be stationed at the concentration and death camps. They were assigned, just like any other post. If a guard DID NOT do what the SS or commanding officers demanded, they were shot dead - on the spot.

If this fellow who is going to be charged was indeed a guard who followed orders simply to stay alive, I hope they are lenient. If he was not there under those circumstances, then he deserves whatever he has coming.

As for the "Get over it" and "move on" comments... Quite a few people have moved on, whilst others cling to their suffering and let it define who they are.

The German people, have not moved on. There is a distinct lack of national pride. You will rarely see a German flag flying anywhere, except from government and banking buildings. They are afraid of showing any national pride lest they be branded Nazis.

A close friend related a story to me. A woman in his office came to lodge an HR complaint about another co-worker. Why? Simply because he had a German flag in his pen cup, and she was offended by it. It didn't matter that there were similar flags all over the place in the office - because it was during the World Cup of Soccer.

Friend of mine from Germany said the same thing. Which is sad. Wasn't their fault. The leaders were messed up and fed the people propaganda. My mom lived in Germany and saw the effects. Being very blond she found that the older folk would get up and try to give her their seats or let her go ahead. They got brainwashed to believe blond people are more pure and a higher race.

Side note, open this forum is to opinion, but please be careful of potentially racist comments. I've erased one already.
Rephrase things if your unsure.
So what happened to the 20 million Russians and the millions of Chinese that also perished.
Where or from whom do their relatives collect from?

Hey, the chinese are still awaiting for a formal apology from Japan.
The jews have an apology from Germany & tax breaks. Even Mercedes Benz gave them a formal apology
i think north america will have another go at the germans in the near future.

Not really! Germany is basically a puppet gov't for the US. After the war they were not allowed to have tanks until the 90's, only a skeletal infantry army. If I recall correctly, Germany & Japan is regulated by the the US
large pieces of all 4 of my grandparents disappeared into the russian night. they never got over it. i wouldnt if i were them
It was horrible to think about and seeing it in Band of Brothers made me weep like a baby, but it's history, I'm not saying forget it, I'm just saying to move on.

Rwanda has and that was even more gruesome. Living in the past hasn't done anything except make a select few money, oh and gotten a specific religion an entire country, but let's not go there eh.

It is said that 20 million Russians also perished.
We rarely if ever hear about the millions of other groups that were also killed.
It is said that 20 million Russians also perished.
We rarely if ever hear about the millions of other groups that were also killed.

I've heard Stalin took about the same # so that doesn't faze anyone lol
I've heard Stalin took about the same # so that doesn't faze anyone lol

I was eluding to the fact that we rarely if ever see any other groups in all of these movies showing the concentration camps.
The Romanians lost a lot of people too as did Poland. The claim is that 6 million Jews died but so did about 30 million others yet we rarely if ever hear about them. I point this out because I was reading something about the scope of WW2 and did not realize that so many other groups perished and by the tens of millions.

We are constantly reminded of WW2, hell even in the comic book movies such as the Avengers and Captain America there were parts slipped into them about the concentration camps. I was just astonished by the numbers of other groups that perished and yet we rarely if ever hear about them.

What I am trying to piece together is who really funded Hitler?
He was just a poor nobody. I get that he got "lucky" due to a confluence of events but in the end it takes money to print flyers and garner influence.

So who or what were the forces backing him? Who bankrolled him?
He gradually rose to power & killed a few people that stood in his way. It was his 2nd attempt. He was once thrown in jail, can't recall. But i'd recommend thus show, give you some insights

He gradually rose to power & killed a few people that stood in his way. It was his 2nd attempt. He was once thrown in jail, can't recall. But i'd recommend thus show, give you some insights


Yes I saw that series but as I said it does not tell you where he got the funding from.
Imagine my shock when I first learned of WW2. Of course that begged an obvious question. What about WW1? Turns out both were miserable events, by all accounts. Seems everybody knows somebody or knows somebody who knows somebody that was involved. And get this: there's been tons of wars since. I haven't been involved in any of them. Sometimes it's nice to fall thru the cracks. And it's reassuring to know if I were in a concentration camp or had family shot and burned I'd get over it and live a happy life.
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