The German people, have not moved on. There is a distinct lack of national pride. You will rarely see a German flag flying anywhere, except from government and banking buildings. They are afraid of showing any national pride lest they be branded Nazis.
A close friend related a story to me. A woman in his office came to lodge an HR complaint about another co-worker. Why? Simply because he had a German flag in his pen cup, and she was offended by it. It didn't matter that there were similar flags all over the place in the office - because it was during the World Cup of Soccer.
That's because the holocaust is shoved down their throats every day of every year. It's a constant cloud over Europe. Special interest groups have made an entire industry of it, and its in their interest to keep the wounds fresh as long as possible. Read what Norman Finkelstein had to say about it in his books, and google what these certain groups are doing all over Europe regarding land/property claims and flat out requests for reparations. And for some asinine reason, these western governments tend to always cave in, too....