Yesterday was my first time I came out to one of these meets. I had my son so i didnt ride but wanted to drop by and eat and check out the scene. I thought it was great, thank you to Asian Dragon for organizing this meet. I had the pleasure of metting the owner and he was a very nice guy.
But, there is a situation that i would like to speak about.
After eating, i stepped outside to have a smoke and check out the rest of the bikes that were still there. My baby momma took my son to the washroom (there's only 1) to wash his hands. b/c she was only washing his hands she didnt feel the need to fully close the door or even lock it. While they were in there a girl or women came in and saw them in there. My girl turned around and appologized for being in there (which she shouldnt be). And instead of the lady letting it go, she began to lecture and bad mouth my girl for not locking the door, and continued to do so as she turned to a lady that worked there, and then they both started speaking in phillipino and give my baby momma dirty looks. Even as my son and my girl was leaving the washroom, my girl appologized to the lady again and the lady con'td to rant and rave about how she should have locked the door.
The point of this story is this, to the lady wearing a torquoise shirt and a red bag yesterday, if you or your man is on this board, you should learn to be a lil less b*tchy adn lil more respectful, especially when someone is being respectful to you and when they are with their child. Cause if that was me you were running your mouth to, disrespecting me infront of my son, i would definitely put you in your place If your man was going to get into it as well, I'll put him in his place as well. I am not gonna let anyone disrespect me infront of my son. You are just lucky my girl is very innocent and very passive.
I don't give a flying f*ck who you think you are or what you ride, thats just not right!!! Never do you disrespect anybody infront of their child. So if you are on this board and what to confront me about it please do , you see my username, send me a pm or ask for Newr6rider the next meet u go to.