ok...great meet, great food, great ppl...as usual....BUT
Some idiot :wave: with a 2001 R1 (blue, chromed out frame, seen on the scarborough rides) lost his f**king blue oil cap :jerk: (doubt its even OEM)...blames every single person at the meet...curses everyone on the ride when we get to tims on lakeshore...**** like its impossible to fall off because he's been a mechanic for 3 yrs and he tightens the cap with a wrench...??? (personally, thats prolly why it fell off, he stripped the threading off the oil cap), oh not to mention he's got a whole wack of guys including the hell's angels to back him up...
for an oil cap ($7 part from Yamaha...plus tax), says he'll go back to jail for taking some people out (alrdy boasting that he did 3 yrs) if he doesn't get it back. Funniest part was when he was on his cell saying to whomever was on the other end that if he dies riding home his friend has to avenge his death

....lol....too many kung fu movies i say! And with all his big words, and his threats, he points fingers at one of the smallest guys in the group...someone half his size! :thumbup:
So this dude thinks someone that we rode with to timmies took it :dontknow:, like someone in the group wanted a liability so that we would all be in danger of getting into an accident :bs:. If this guy wasn't ranting and raving, pointing fingers and being blatantly rude and obnoxious, we would've been much much more sympathetic and helpful, instead of watching him embarrass himself, even yelling at regular ppl walking by to go f**k themselves :diabloanifire: (<--kinda like this). Clearly 3 yrs wasn't enough, this guy didn't finish his anger management classes and he prolly beats his biatch. :thefinger:

ottytrain2: :knob:
So, with that being said, apparently next week he wants to drive his truck right through everyones bikes! If anyones interested in getting a new bike soon, please feel free to park right by the entrance of Cusina
I guess there'll be a group buy for new bikes :rr:
Being an ex-con myself, i foresee the charges already:
uttering threats
uttering death threats
attempted homicide
reckless operation of a vehicle
reckless endangerment with a vehicle
vehicular homicide
causing public disturbance
fail to remain at the scene of an accident (most likely)
resisting arrest
assualt on an officer of the law
if i missed anything, please feel free to add