All Rez roads to 30km/hr

Hahaha. Somebody is lowering the speed limits in Clarington. There's an associated article but it's Torstar so I won't click it.

Reminded me of this, where are "those kids with the spray paint, god love em"

Orangeville Council just pulled a similar bonehead move up here. All residential roads are now 40 kph, there are a few exceptions where it stayed 50 kph. They used the example that other nearby towns are doing this, so Orangeville should as well.o_O

I wonder where the guy in Clarington got his "50" signs?:sneaky:

One Councillor even made the comment that driving across town should be painful! I kid you not he was quoted as saying that. What a friggin moron. I certainly will not be voting for this guy in the next election.
Orangeville Council just pulled a similar bonehead move up here. All residential roads are now 40 kph, there are a few exceptions where it stayed 50 kph. They used the example that other nearby towns are doing this, so Orangeville should as well.o_O

I wonder where the guy in Clarington got his "50" signs?:sneaky:

One Councillor even made the comment that driving across town should be painful! I kid you not he was quoted as saying that. What a friggin moron. I certainly will not be voting for this guy in the next election.
I've seen similar stupid arguments everywhere. One carwash application argued that the carwash on the neighbouring corner (in a different municipality) was allowed to operate 24 hours a day so he should too even though it was in contravention of the by-law. He left out that the one he was using as an example was also operating in contravention of a by-law. If someone else is doing something illegal you should change the laws for me right?
Whoa! What kind are those?
Stacyc. You can buy them at other shops. HD calls them the IronE.Apex sells the KTM colored models. Royal sells the standard models. My grandson's name is Harley, the reason we went there. The girls have almost grown out of thiers. Lol
Orangeville Council just pulled a similar bonehead move up here. All residential roads are now 40 kph, there are a few exceptions where it stayed 50 kph. They used the example that other nearby towns are doing this, so Orangeville should as well.o_O

I wonder where the guy in Clarington got his "50" signs?:sneaky:

One Councillor even made the comment that driving across town should be painful! I kid you not he was quoted as saying that. What a friggin moron. I certainly will not be voting for this guy in the next election.

I live in Orangeville. I'm more concerned about the "Dufferin County Stop" ie no stopping whatsoever, at stop signs.

Also, 40 km/h isn't unreasonable given the amount of stop signs in the residential areas. The main thoroughfares are still 50.
I read an article about someone in Toronto (High Park area….?) getting a speeding ticket while on their bicycle. I laughed hard!!

Found it!

The New Canada, everyone gets their own set of rules. It the Idaho stop makes sense for a bicycle why not a motorcycle?

I was under the impression a speeding ticket on a bicycle went on your driving record.

The real problem is dumb people.

BTW there used to be a bicycle race in High Park way back when. A five miler consisting of three loops starting at the swimming pool on Colbourne Lodge Drive, down Centre Road and back along the now closed Spring Road. They ran it early on a Sunday morning.
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I would absolutely welcome a reduced speed limit, photo radar and or enforcement in our neighbourhood. The roads are a ******* race track. We have blind corners and elevation changes making it a fun stretch at speed but people are quick to forget that there are small ******* children living in these neighbourhoods. Between the young children and the elderly it is only a matter of time until someone gets killed.

We've had our share of accidents. Each one is met with some kind of reaction, usually a stop sign is added. But the mentality that we can build the bridge after the kid dies is not a good one.

If you can't drive in a rezi area at 40kph or slower, you are the ******* problem.
I live in Orangeville. I'm more concerned about the "Dufferin County Stop" ie no stopping whatsoever, at stop signs.

Also, 40 km/h isn't unreasonable given the amount of stop signs in the residential areas. The main thoroughfares are still 50.
I stop at stop signs, maybe not for a full two or three seconds, but I do come to a full stop. I'm probably one of the few in town who does and it really surprises some people.

I believe 40 kph speed limits should be reserved for school zones only. Setting the same limit on every road takes away from the importance of the school zones, much like putting stop signs at every intersection takes away from the importance of actually stopping and creates the "Dufferin County Stop". BTW, that exists in every location where politically motivated stop sign installations have taken place. Eventually even the local residents who asked for the stop sign don't stop at them.
Easy, speedster. It's 30 km/h here in Toronto.
Same on my street in Waterloo. Have 2 schools, side by side, about 250m away, and it's 30 km/h as well.
Same on my street in Waterloo. Have 2 schools, side by side, about 250m away, and it's 30 km/h as well.
In my case they changed 40 to 30 km/h on a 2km stretch of the street. Typical speed on that stretch is about 50 km/h.
Easy, speedster. It's 30 km/h here in Toronto.
And that is taking it well beyond the absurd! The "think of the kids" crowd have completely lost their collective minds. A 30 kph limit has no place on a public road and will be largely ignored because it is set far too low. I am so glad I retired 10 years ago and that eliminated the need to commute into TO. The last time I had to drive down there was four years ago to help my kids move out here.

The "Vision Zero" is unattainable because there are humans involved. Whether it's drivers, cyclists or pedestrians, someone is going to do something stupid and cause a collision with injuries and or death. Pretty soon John Tory and his band of wackos on Council will completely ban all motorized vehicles because they have been unable to reach their goal.
A 30 kph limit has no place on a public road and will be largely ignored because it is set far too low.

Drivers are slowly getting what they want. They all demand "privileges" of German Autobahn, now they'll get all the enforcement too. German city thoroughfares are all 50 km/h, but residential roads are 30 km/h.

Maybe with enough speed camera enforcement, red light cameras and the eventual introduction of crosswalk and streetcar door cameras (which are in the HTA), plus a 172 violation set at 26km/h like Germany. People will start to drive respectfully and we can get an unlimited speed left passing lane legislation passed.

The old adage, careful what you wish for applies to all the morons who want to do 250km/h+ on the 401, while doing 80km/h on city streets.
Drivers are slowly getting what they want. They all demand "privileges" of German Autobahn, now they'll get all the enforcement too. German city thoroughfares are all 50 km/h, but residential roads are 30 km/h.

Maybe with enough speed camera enforcement, red light cameras and the eventual introduction of crosswalk and streetcar door cameras (which are in the HTA), plus a 172 violation set at 26km/h like Germany. People will start to drive respectfully and we can get an unlimited speed left passing lane legislation passed.

The old adage, careful what you wish for applies to all the morons who want to do 250km/h+ on the 401, while doing 80km/h on city streets.
Is this you?


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