My main goal is to keep my system current on the cheap. So, every few years, I like to upgrade the RAM if possible and possibly processing power, if needed. Worked fine for me for most of my computing life until I picked up a laptop that was already maxed out on RAM. Eventually my needs became greater than what the laptop would run so I decided to get a modern desktop. An OEM machine that would have had the same processing power/RAM would have cost me 50% more than what I could put together to meet my needs mostly because of fancy casing, graphics, peripherals and storage options that I didn't need. Would have given me a better bang for the buck but I didn't need most of that bang. Thanks to TAFB's advice, I was able to source a nice casing and cooling setup on the cheap and the rest was garden variety components, mostly sourced from a single trip to CC and one Newegg order.