Age discrimination and severance

Prepare for carousel... This movie got a lot of air time in the 1970s and early 1980s. I did not get it until I got a bit older. Watch out for the sandman !
This is going to be a common problem for companies.A lot of "boomers" aren't ready financially to retire.They have been spending their earnings without a thought for what it will cost when they are really old.A nursing home will easily cost $3500/month.I'll retire when i don't need the pocket change for my toys anymore and ready for the big dirt nap.
Prepare for carousel... This movie got a lot of air time in the 1970s and early 1980s. I did not get it until I got a bit older. Watch out for the sandman !
There was a short lived tv series too. Not really bad for the time.
If hes doing his job properly, nothing they can do other than lay him off, which means he will be entitled to severance, or "force" him to retire by saying that they are giving him the choice between retirement and being laid off. They cant rehire for his job though if they do that.

If his performance is fine why would they want to get rid of him?

New people bring new ideas. While a person could be working as well as ever a newbie could bring new methods and attitudes.

When a person has too much seniority and security there is little pressure on them to innovate. In fact they may be less likely to innovate because a mistake could lead to termination. A newbie could lose his job over a mistake as well but he wouldn't be losing 40 years of security.

P.S. This could be the company in the Dilbert cartoons.
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hey, i got some great new inreb type ideas,

get rid of all senior airline pilots & let know nothing big talkin' noobs fly you around
Pilots are just drunken glorified bus drivers what the hell do we even need em for.. a computer can land a plane.
no such problem in aircraft

fire the pilots

sure, care to elaborate?

Pilots are just drunken glorified bus drivers what the hell do we even need em for.. a computer can land a plane.

& let's not forget this part
Is he plodding on or is he a contributing team member? All things being equal I would think any employer should want a younger employee. Young is where it's at, everybody knows this. Everyday at midnite one can safely conclude that's one day closer to death. This is still a grey area of psuedo reality to those with more days ahead than behind, barring any unfortunate incidences. I would get rid of him by making his job so safe that he can't possibly perform it without breaking the very safety rules designed to protect him. Have him be in contravention of dismissable offences at all times. They're building hospitals like that all the time and when they're done you could sent this guy to the nut ward. Or death ward whichever is most fitting at the time. Time, which is in the future of course, which isn't helping his cause one iota. Win/win/win.
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'autonomous' cars have to deal with hordes of RETARD human drivers... send Lewis Hamilton to Pacific Mall on a saturday and he'll probably crash too. Ya know?

With planes its easy... you just fire all the pilots, let em mop the terminals or bartend in the lounges (they like booze right) and since all the planes will be autonomous, there's no problem! Computers are awesome that way. Just gotta eliminate humans.
yea sure
since all the planes will be autonomous

meanwhile, todays flyers can enjoy, easy peasy, i hear ya,

just go with inreb brilliance, get rid of seniors :lmao:

'autonomous' cars have to deal with hordes of RETARD human drivers... send Lewis Hamilton to Pacific Mall on a saturday and he'll probably crash too. Ya know?

With planes its easy... you just fire all the pilots, let em mop the terminals or bartend in the lounges (they like booze right) and since all the planes will be autonomous, there's no problem! Computers are awesome that way. Just gotta eliminate humans.
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I know a guy who is in his early 70's and is still working as he has no life outside work. To my knowledge a person can't be forced to retire at 65 so he plods on.

Where does this leave his employer who I suspect would like him replaced by a younger more with-it type?

He's been with the company since college, 45 - 50 years.

The first stand alone bolded word seems to suggest a lack of spunk. Unless he's employed by Cher he won't be able to turn back time. Replaced by a younger more with-it type it is.
the only problem to my master plan (I've thought this through) is all the old junkers still flown by airlines..


once they fire the overpaid drunks flying their buses, they could afford fancy new hardware

Added bonus: no more possibility of a Germanwings 9525 repeat!!! because computers won't get suicidal either!
the only problem to my master plan (I've thought this through) is all the old junkers still flown by airlines..


once they fire the overpaid drunks flying their buses, they could afford fancy new hardware

Added bonus: no more possibility of a Germanwings 9525 repeat!!! because computers won't get suicidal either!

Maybe not but it's still prudent to put computers at back of the plane. You never hear about a airplane backing into a mountain. Seniors ride up front of course.
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