Affordable ultrasonic cleaner for carb cleaning ?

The U/S cleaners used were anywhere from 5 - 8 cubic ft. and not cheap. Everything in the U/S was in a basket.
There's the ticket. Keep your eye on the dumpster at those places for when they get replaced because they failed calibration or a new standard was passed that they don't comply with.
............. Keep your eye on the dumpster at those places for when they get replaced because they failed calibration or a new standard was passed that they don't comply with.............

You're more likely to find a dodo bird than any useable equipment in a dumpster at a hospital or any government funded or administered facility. Any functional or broken equipment gets traded in, donated to third world or is auctioned off in a formalized process. The old scam where government people "disposed of" supposedly broken equipment and then had a friend scoop it up out of the dumpster that night to resell and then split the profits was recognized and addressed decades ago. Might still happen in some places, but it's relatively rare.
Before you go and spend money on a U/S, remove the bank of carbs from the bike, take off the bowls and have a look at the overall carb condition. Take out the jets, air screws, etc from the number 1 carb and soak them overnight in carb cleaner. See how they clean up. Also, spray carb cleaner into every opening/passage.

If they aren’t in bad shape, you may not need to disassemble the bank completely.

I have never had to on any of my old bikes.

I’ve also never used anything other than Canadian Tire brand carb cleaner.

Keep and re-use the OEM brass unless there is obvious wear/damage…they are usually better than what you will get in an aftermarket carb kit.

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You're more likely to find a dodo bird than any useable equipment in a dumpster at a hospital or any government funded or administered facility. Any functional or broken equipment gets traded in, donated to third world or is auctioned off in a formalized process. The old scam where government people "disposed of" supposedly broken equipment and then had a friend scoop it up out of the dumpster that night to resell and then split the profits was recognized and addressed decades ago. Might still happen in some places, but it's relatively rare.
Hmm. I happen to work at a medical testing company and we have scrounged lots of stuff due to be tossed… like standing desks removed after offices were being renovated, that were like new. I need to talk to the guy who would find them to see where that spot is. He would just ask if he could take them and would be told “sure”.

We have a few very expensive pieces of equipment - think hundreds of thousands of dollars - that were bought for volumes that never materialized and so have never really been used. They can’t be returned to the vendor and our procurement department doesn’t know what to do with them. I do assume those will go to some consignment place or brokerage that handles disposal. We would joke that we would sell them on Kijiji.

Still, I wonder whether there might be U/S units that might be out of spec or out of warranty etc.
Before you go and spend money on a U/S, remove the bank of carbs from the bike, take off the bowls and have a look at the overall carb condition. Take out the jets, air screws, etc from the number 1 carb and soak them overnight in carb cleaner. See how they clean up. Also, spray carb cleaner into every opening/passage.
Point taken. This is my first rebuild. I don’t really know how clean is clean, especially inside the passages and jets. I do Know my pilot jets appear to be completely blocked and canned compressed air isn’t helping. I understood both US units do a great job on surfaces inside and out.

The other consideration is that I am a little worried about rinsing off the carbs carb and having nasty chemicals getting into either our lake or water table at our cottage where I am doing this work. I have been trying to source ChemDip; another poster here recommended the Yamaha stuff; I understand both are nasty. Not even sure if I feel Ok with rinsing the stuff down the drain at home.
If you don't have a good source of compressed air (100psi, not in a can) there really isn't much point in doing anything imho.
If you don't have a good source of compressed air (100psi, not in a can) there really isn't much point in doing anything imho.
I’ve got a Dewalt air compressor at our cottage which supposedly does 200 PSI. I’m up there now so will try hitting the pilots with that today. Still haven’t decided how I want to handle the rest of it, with a dip or US.
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