I am what you might call Wrench-Impaired, AKA Wrench-Incompetent.
With my limited skills, I can take my wheels off and change both tires with tire irons in about 45 minutes. And this is with a lot of bruised and bleeding knuckles, a ship-load of swearing and maybe a tiny, little bit of crying.
My buddy who does trail-side repairs in his sleep, did a rear-tire removal and replaced the inner tube and mounted the rear back on in 7 minutes flat. This is with the bike jacked up on a rock. With 8.5" tire irons...
One of the largest bike shops in GTA, GP Bikes, charges $100/hour for labour.
If you think charging an hour and a half worth of labour to change two tires with a machine is "next-to-nothing", then you and I have very different ideas of what "next-to-nothing" means.
I've been called a baller before, but perhaps you are the new baller in town...