Krime I would be VERY careful on questioning the radar cosine. As noted in the manual. The fact that in that location it was being operated on a curve, which as you noted causes, a SLIGHT error in the target vehicles favour. Generally, you are talking about a 2 - 3 km/h differential.
Questioning the officer's judgement, in setting up in that particular spot, will win you NO bonus points with the crown, nor the JP. The crown is VERY likely to then use this to their advantage, by reminding the JP that the error is actually in YOUR favour, and as such you were ACTUALLY travelling faster than the read out on the radar unit. The JP is VERY likely to view this as an "admission of guilt" by you,a s your acknowledging that you were indeed travelling above the speed, which was displayed by the radar unit.
The crown, and officer, (IF the crown even permits him to answer your questioning of his judgement), will simply point out that by conducting radar at that location the error is to YOUR benefit, and as such, it makes sense for the officer to conduct enforcement in that location, as he/she, isn't looking to "nail" people but was rather acting more of a deterrent.
You very well may be opening, (unwittingly), a whole can of worms, that will bite you big time. I have seen it countless times, where a person "thinks" they have come up with the novel defense, (which the JP, crown, and officer, aren't smart enough to recognize or haven't heard before). This is your first dance at the rodeo, the crown, and JP are highly practised, and VERY proficient Also, from the detail of notes the officer made, this certainly isn't his first dance either. BUT, I would be surprised if you decide to employ this line of questioning the crown, will object and ask the JP to rule on the line of questioning relevance. Hint his/her ruling isn't likely to go in your
Even IF the crown didn't object, the officer isn't going to say, "you know what, your right I was distracted, that day, AND I should have NEVER set up in that spot, I am such an idiot" Obviously, I have gone WAYYY out there to make my point.
It is IMPORTANT, to remind, yourself this is a SPEEDING ticket, not a charge of first degree, WHile winning is no doubtr VERY important to you, the JP, is NOT a legal scholar, and they often go with the crown, on points of law. The JP also will be VERY likely to shut you down, as he'she may have 150 - 200 docket items to get through and have VERY little time to devote, to each individual case.
Is that fair? No, but it IS reality.
Best of luck, with your case.
Much appreciated. Regarding your note "Ask them to read the note on inconsistency of the speed charge, then ask them to read the ticket", his notes do align with the ticket in terms of the speed, it was his verbal relay of the speed amount and reduction amount that didn't add up to what was on the ticket, so not sure how much grounds there are here, again I was thinking to make a case for his mental state/inaccuracies at the time.
Regarding the cosine effect with the radar, I came across how the actual speed is in your favour... so yes I was wondering about that. Learned more about it here:
Police Radar Cosine Effect Error, it's also mentioned in the Genesis Handheld Manual, emphasizing how it's inaccuracy is in the drivers favour in that case. Here's the thing, I'm wondering if framing the question if he's aware that there are inaccuracies with the radar when a curve is involved, and when he says likely yes, then I can get back to questioning his judgement of setting up for radar in such a place that would welcome inaccuracies... making poor judgement calls that can compromise the task at hand. See where I'm going here? Still worth pursuing?
Here's some more pics of the site. Just went to the spot to get some pictures of the scene to use as defence evidence if necessary (along with the google map).
Showing the discrepancy with the intersection that he describes on the ticket and likely will in his statement in court:
View attachment 40212
Also took a couple photos showing the clear road markings that differentiate the two roads
View attachment 40217View attachment 40218
Here's his view (also potentially partially blocked by the shrub I'm realizing and surely blocked by the line of trees I'd image... you can see here that the entire road is on a steep curve... very weird place to try and get an accurate reading. Also noting that contrary to his notes, he had to be looking East not North as described:
View attachment 40213
View attachment 40214
View attachment 40215
Here's where his patrol car was parked, looking from the West (also note that the car is on the south side of the road since the road goes east/west here (not positioned on east side of road as mentioned, and facing north not west as he said):
View attachment 40216