The discount is feasible IMO. Similar to winter-tire discounts that are not uncommon, it would be based on the honour system. The insurer would never deny you a claim simply because you didn't have your winter tires on, but I suppose the could nail you for misrepresentation and cancel your policy (red flag on your insurance record). I think a "Gear Discount" would work similarly.
It would be tough to initially quanitfy such a discount, because we don't have data showing how gear can reduce your claims. I suppose we could start it out at a 5% discount, collect some data for a few years, and then see how the ATGATT riders compare to everyone else. This is how I am implementing Winter Tire discounts.
It would be tough to initially quanitfy such a discount, because we don't have data showing how gear can reduce your claims. I suppose we could start it out at a 5% discount, collect some data for a few years, and then see how the ATGATT riders compare to everyone else. This is how I am implementing Winter Tire discounts.