likely so.
Holed up the Lake Flower In just outside Lake Placid...okay spot - walkable food, wifi - bike right outside the room $108 - bit high but hey it's tourist season and in deer country at 8.30 pm ....I'll take. It
Lots of deer sighted on the way and a couple of wild turkey families.
.bit soggy but my feet are dry -

570 km since noon is "okay" given the traffic at various spots to shake loose of the city.
Got chilled as it started to rain just as I was in the line for the border and the Nexus was chance to get the rain jacket on and then on and off showers so I left it on over dampish mesh
When air temp got under 20 started to get chilled tho nothing nasty and the heated grips fed enough warmth in - but still was glad to change out as both technical shirts were damp - bad luck with timing as it had only been spitting up to then.
Needed gas so figured I wait to put the wet gear on....wrong - wrong decision.
Guy was nice at the border..Nexus gets them all warm and fuzzy
Glad I was not coming the other way....not sure what was going on but many many km of backed up vehicles going west bound just west of Kingston
Food time
Smoked salmon very good, drizzled with excellent olive oil, sufficient capers and just a bit of onion...., bread excellent, latte marginal but welcome and a soggy caesar I won't finish.
Long day since I was up early.