actual average costs of KWH ..what do you actually avg in your area?

I don't use ours all year round - I'll typically start it in late March or early April (when the weather starts to turn) and then shut it off again come June/July when the pool is hot anyways. I'll then start it up again in September/October when I close the pool and usually shut it down again after Christmas. I used to run it all year round but found that in the dead of winter it didn't get used a lot (I enjoy using it in -20 or -30, I just do not enjoy the part about getting to and from it) and in the summer we never used it at all.

Maybe too many hot baths as a kid growing up in England, i just don't get the appeal of sitting in it.
I think you need to check your math, because you've been misleading people.

An average dryer uses 4000 watts and a typical load takes about 1 hour to dry. So, it uses 4 kilowatts per hour.

At the current on peak rate of 18c/kWh that means that load of clothes used about $0.72 in electricity.

During off peak electricity hours the same load (at 8.7c/kWh) costs $0.34.

So, it costs less than half to use the dryer during off peak, a saving of nearly 40c actually.
well,, I dont think it is misleading,, as I do elaborate with them... if they are doing 10 loads of laundry every day... that 40cents adds Up! ... but if they are doing 3 loads every saturday... like a lot of folks do.... then the extra really is equivalent to 4 large coffees ... so if they want to inconvenience themselves to save ... it isn't really for the dollars save.. but they are definitely saving the energy ,, and the planet.... so it really depends on your perspective.. some don't give a hoot about the planet.. just the extra inconvenience of putting that dryer on after 7 pm,,, then forgetting and leaving the load in the washer.. then finding out in the morning that load stinks... so it needs to be washed again... sigh...

When you place that up against the average 1000 Kilowatts per month the average Ontario house uses (so 33 kWh/day) the math suddenly becomes more attractive - 33 kWh/day at 18c = $5.94/day, but 33kWh/day at 8.7c=$2.87, a savings of $3.07, or a saving of $92 every month.

This is all before all the other fees like delivery, etc, but those slide up and down as well along with consumption.

So, the math does make sense when you actually focus as much consumption as is possible to off peak. Obviously it's not realistic to shift it ALL to off peak, but if you can move 50% of it you're still saving around $50/month. peak has got too expensive. When TOU meters first came into play the off peak rate was 3.5c/kWh so there was actually very significant savings to be had for aggressive time shifters - our hydro bill went down dramatically when it first came into use because I shifted nearly 80% of our usage. Now with the off peak rate being as high as it is as well there's less justification unfortunately.

I agree with everything you mentioned.... it is quite true! I just find that a few things like the amount of laundry I do ... doesn't save me much to worry about when I do it.... making my own thermos of coffee every day saves me a LOT .. something like $60 a month... and making dinner with leftovers to reheat saves about $100 mth. in lunches.

I use about 12 - 15kwh/day.. one bill this yr was 17 kwh/day with the AC on... I thought the ontario avg was about 750 kwh in 30 days.. which is 24kwh/day ........ where did you find the 33 kwh/day info..?

I use dial up internet,, so it can be difficult to surf the pages to find that info..
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The average household uses 33kwh/day!! whoa... and here I am getting flustered that my basement trolls (kid sister and bf) have brought my consumption up to 18... I was under 10/day before my conscience interfered.
Just looked at our November bill...27.xx per day, yeesh, need to work on that.
well,, I dont think it is misleading,, as I do elaborate with them... if they are doing 10 loads of laundry every day... that 40cents adds Up! ... but if they are doing 3 loads every saturday... like a lot of folks do.... then the extra really is equivalent to 4 large coffees

All day both Saturday and Sunday are off peak rates however, so you can use all that heavy consumption stuff anytime for the same as off-peak rates through the week.

Quebec holds a huge advantage when it comes to generating ability based solely on their plethora of hydroelectric stations.

The rest of the country needs to generate electricity via other methods.

I'm not making excuses for our issues here in Ontario, but just stating facts - even if our system wasn't hosed up due to government bungling it would still be difficult or impossible to compete with Quebec on a cost-of-generation standpoint. They're also giving out a 10 year discount (as mentioned in the article) to sweeten the pot even more.
Quebec holds a huge advantage when it comes to generating ability based solely on their plethora of hydroelectric stations.

The rest of the country needs to generate electricity via other methods.

I'm not making excuses for our issues here in Ontario, but just stating facts - even if our system wasn't hosed up due to government bungling it would still be difficult or impossible to compete with Quebec on a cost-of-generation standpoint. They're also giving out a 10 year discount (as mentioned in the article) to sweeten the pot even more.

Labrador also produces a ton of power but since it has to travel across PQ they get ripped off.
Just looked at our November bill...27.xx per day, yeesh, need to work on that.

Never really looked at our daily usages before, but try to turn off lights, when not using, or turn down AC when not in the home, and use as much as possible during off peak.
Just looked at our November bill and it's under 10kwh/day average. Our house is not very well insulated, so I'm sure we lose a lot of heat/AC over the year.
Never really looked at our daily usages before, but try to turn off lights, when not using, or turn down AC when not in the home, and use as much as possible during off peak.
Just looked at our November bill and it's under 10kwh/day average. Our house is not very well insulated, so I'm sure we lose a lot of heat/AC over the year.
Wow, impressive. How many people in your house?
2 people in our 4bdrm house built in the mid-70's, but my wife also works as an osteopath / massage therapist where she treats clients out of our house 3 days a week. So we have to heat / cool the house for the clients and also have to do laundry for all the sheets that she uses.
hydro one is "NO LONGER a government owned corporation" - the public no longer owns the electrical utility since government corruption sold it and gave the utility a green light to rob us.

in ontario 1000 kw/hrs delivered to your home costs ~ $239. In manitoba that same amount of electricity delivered costs ~ $81. In quebec ~ $89. Numbers can be found at the link below. Ontario one extensively uses hidden charges to nearly double your bill. Email your MPP now - we need to do this in mass. also sign the petition at the link below. This is the only path we have to stop the corporate robbery. the link below is from mpp randy hillier.

talk about it, talk about it, do fack all about it.....send your mpp a nasty email now! what is going on is essentially grand theft legalized. Don't be a sap and do nothing. Thats what the robbers are counting on.
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hydro one is "NO LONGER a government owned corporation" - the public no longer owns the electrical utility since government corruption sold it and gave the utility a green light to rob us.

in ontario 1000 kw/hrs delivered to your home costs ~ $239. In manitoba that same amount of electricity delivered costs ~ $81. In quebec ~ $89. Numbers can be found at the link below. Ontario one extensively uses hidden charges to nearly double your bill. Email your MPP now - we need to do this in mass. also sign the petition at the link below. This is the only path we have to stop the corporate robbery. the link below is from mpp randy hillier.

talk about it, talk about it, do fack all about it.....send your mpp a nasty email now! what is going on is essentially grand theft legalized. Don't be a sap and do nothing. Thats what the robbers are counting on.

Yup it's a screw up but once you sell something the new owners call the shots. We can buy hydro back at the going price but then up goes the debt to be serviced. If rates rise it's a double hit.

Or buy back enough on your own to make it work for you.
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