Evidence that cagers are not the only idiots out there ... new face to look for at lnl lol
The dented up like a pinball ninja doesn't give it away?
Evidence that cagers are not the only idiots out there ... new face to look for at lnl lol
I guess you've never been to deals gap
I guess you've never been to deals gap
It's funny as soon as I started watching this video I was thinking to myself this is _insert name_. I know the dude. I'm sure he has learned his lesson. He's just a very ballsy guy and always pushing his limits.
Hint - He's one of the top professional drifters in Ontario.
That directed at?
Im waiting for the usual newbie post - "I crashed because my tire pressure was off".
Here's another one of his vids full of fail. Fast forward to 3:45 for a doozy. This kid is gonna hurt or kill someone in the very near future.
Here's another one of his vids full of fail. Fast forward to 3:45 for a doozy. This kid is gonna hurt or kill someone in the very near future.
out of all the places to low side... he didn't do it on the hair pin lol .. when I saw the hair pin coming up .. I was like ... OHHHH OHHH here it is ..... and nothing... then the slight right turn came and down he goes lol