ACF 50 any good?

Is it still near impossible to get this stuff or has anything changed in the last few years? I never understood why bike shops don't stock it.
Aircraft Spruce at the Brantford Airport has it.
Picked some up at Snow City.
I'll buy the 114L for $2750 and sell liters of it for $25. $10 profit a liter!! Woo hoo...... :lmao:
Pretty sure I saw it at Royal as well. I tend to spray down my bike with with it before storage every year, just cause.
I'm always selling it at cost. Have several large bottles with me right now. I have a case at home and at work, lol. Most people that PM me seem to disappear after I tell them my price, which is 10c above what the Canadian distributor sells it to me for.

Sounds like Matt a few posts up beats my price but I can't buy it in that kind of quantity without knowing I can sell it. If I were stuck with 114L of the stuff I think it would last me about 2 lifetimes spraying 3 vehicles.

I use it on my bikes and car. Seems to work well but honestly I have no clue. I know I rode my 650R for 3 years including salted winters and never got a spot of rust on it more than what it came with.

Mechanics seem to hate it because they don't know what it is. Several have told me I must have some weird kind of fluid leak because of this oily stuff all over my bike/car.
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I still have a couple bottles of this. Bought a bunch when it was hard to find so you could only get it in bulk and a few guys wanted to grab it off me and then everyone disappeared lol.
I still have a couple bottles of this. Bought a bunch when it was hard to find so you could only get it in bulk and a few guys wanted to grab it off me and then everyone disappeared lol.
Any reservations about using it on your phone?
Because you would jump off the dock up north with it in your pocket?
Because you would jump off the dock up north with it in your pocket?
It would not help that at all... It's not a waterproofer. It's just an oil spray. Think WD40 but thicker and purple.

It would make a big mess of your phone.
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