Accountant recommendations

Preferably in Durham. Specifically in regards to executor handling of asset transfers, estate closure and her final tax return.
If i can be of any help in dealing with estate matters, just PM me as most of it is still fresh in my mind.

I used Accountor for my late fathers estate, final tax returns, etc. And then again for wifes and my own tax return (for that tax year) since i had quite a large sum to write off vis a vis capital losses.

1 year later and CRA hasn't complained, so I would recommend them. Everything was done via email, no need for in person meetings.

Veronica Taylor
Operations Manager
Accountor CPA | Email:
Toll Free: 1-800-801-9931 ext 20 | Local: 647-715-6250 ext 20

I would remind all members there is currently a Tax Thread running for any other tax related discussions. Don't pile on in this one. Thanks!
Do you already have a lawyer handling the will? Maybe they can recommend a good accountant.

Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
I have a lawyer, to add to my misery the lawyer that drew up our wills years ago has been disbarred and is being sued. The original wills are nowhere to be found so probate was required, which has recently cleared the courts.
Goodness sakes folks , take copies of your wills home , and power of attorny , and put them somewhere safe . You dont need them till you do. If your working with a 100 lawyer powerhouse firm they may keep files , but regional lawyer larry closes his office and everything gets shredded.
I know , Monday quarterback , but I hear this all the time.
again condolences @klr_guy , so much to sort out when it happens out of left field. Stay well .
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