Accident: Dundas/Postmaster Drive (Oakville)

Thanks again for the support. A special thanks to the fellow riders that made it out to the wake. :occasion5:

Unfortunately, I will no longer be a part of the motorcycle community as a rider. One of my best friends and riding partner is no longer wouldn't be the same without him.

I will contine to lurk the site as this is such a great community.

Thanks again to all.

Be safe,

R.I.P. rider sorry for you loss man, never easy losin a friend/ riding partner, Keep you head up bro...
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RIP / sorry for the loss --
That accident .... less than 1Km from my house....

I got pulled over from Halton Regional on Friday night (a Bike cop pulled me over) he told me about that accident --- HE TOLD ME the bike was doing 200KM/P Hour!! I am not making this up.... I am Serious -- that is what the cop told me.....
Thanks again for the support. A special thanks to the fellow riders that made it out to the wake. :occasion5:

Unfortunately, I will no longer be a part of the motorcycle community as a rider. One of my best friends and riding partner is no longer wouldn't be the same without him.

I will contine to lurk the site as this is such a great community.

Thanks again to all.

Be safe,


Hey Ryan, I (white gixxer) was one of the 4 riders that came to the wake...I could tell that Dennis was love by many, he will surely miss...Again, my deepest condolonces goes out to you and Dennis' family and friends...
Dear Riders,

Extreme sadness brings me to this site for the first time.
I am writing to express my deepest condolences to the Cruz family and all of Dennis' friends.
I share in your loss, Dennis was a dear friend of many years and you are all in my thoughts.
As we all know, he was such a wonderful person.
He will be missed by so many.
We will NEVER forget him becasue he will live in our hearts forever.

I was touched by the bond you riders all share through this site.
To my dear friend Dennis,

Thinking of you today on your Birthday...
There are no words to express how much we all miss YOU...

Thanks for the support all.
Riders name was Dennis Cruz...... My best friend....friends since diapers.

He leaves behind a 17 year old son.

He will be sorely missed.


Condolences to you Ryan and the Cruz family...only knew dennis for a minute through you, back in tha day (Nahani/Chieftan days), but from what i can remember he was a stand up guy...

R.I.P Dennis

So, here we are.
One year later.
The post that changed the lives of so many.
Just as difficult to read tonight as it was then.
I think of you everyday my friend, but even more tonight.
Miss you beyond words.
Prayers for you, your family and friends - and to those who lost someone as well.

Be safe y'all ...
I am sorry for your loss...
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