A Warning to Motorcyclists in Hamilton

I'd go and pay the fine personally.

With rolls of nickels.

Would have been pennies if they were still available.
Meter maids are the worst of law enforcement .

Years ago in Toledo Ohio with the cage we pulled over to read directions and got yelled at by a meter maid, "You can't park there".

We explained we were trying to find Tony Packos. She called back "I'm going there myself. Follow me."

So we sorta got a meter maid escort to Tony Packos of M*A*S*H / Klinger fame.
I'd go and pay the fine personally.

With rolls of nickels.

Would have been pennies if they were still available.

LOL. I remember when Manitoba came out with the helmet law in 1983 a guy tried to pay the $30 fine in pennies. They refused them. There's laws about how you pay too. The OP would have been better to take it to a lawyer and send the pic to the newspaper.
Is that a rule to try and prevent two bikes from sharing one spot? It's the only rationale I can think of, and it's retarded.

I suspect that the bylaw was developed without a thought to motorcyclists' needs and that it was meant to avoid having cars parked so far from the meter that they interfere with the adjacent parking space. Unfortunately, motorcyclists are not well organized in Ontario and, as a result, they do not get a voice when laws are being drafted.

If I am correct, by parking the motorcycle in the middle of the designated parking space and leaving plenty of space ahead and behind me, I was actually helping to meet the objectives of the bylaw. I can understand that the parking officer did not have the ability to interpret and apply the bylaw fairly. They get daily abuse from the public and anyone with any marketable skills avoids the job or quickly moves on (which becomes a self-reinforcing process).

What I cannot accept is that the City appoints someone to the role of appeals officer who lacks the judgement to understand that, by blindly defending the actions of the parking officer, he is undermining the objectives of the bylaw and further damaging the reputation of the parking office.
From the photo, I can't see any lines that indicate a designated parking space. Were there painted lines ?
Is that a rule to try and prevent two bikes from sharing one spot? It's the only rationale I can think of, and it's retarded.

Never ask a bureaucrat "why?".
Hamilton is corrupted ****hole of a city...
Can't wait to move out of the region.
Okay I dont get it... so you are telling me that the parking meter was NOT in the middle of the parking space? If that's the case and I have a large car then I would not be able to fit in the space if the parking meter borders the other parking space.
Meter maids are the worst of law enforcement .
I have seen tickets written in Toronto, while cars are parked legally.1 hr parking off Danforth ave I saw a guy park and walk to a store,ticket written starts writing ,I yell "he just parked there",guy just kept writing.

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