A petite rant


Well-known member
So, my 24 year old daughter received her renewal notice a few weeks ago... Premium jumped from $2700 to $3815. A $1115 increase... RBC insurance (Aviva)
No apparent reason for it. No claims, no tickets.
Needless to say... That's F***ing Bull*** so that policy isn't being renewed.
She calls another ins. broker...
'Gets a better policy... $2390.
The kicker.... 'Same underwriter or whatever... AVIVA.

I understand she's a young driver with a late model Honda CRV "Sport", but man... A rate jump of over $1100..?
As Joe Rogan would say... "That's Bananas"

I get we need insurance, but why the attempted rape... Lol.
Yup insurance industry keeps on rigging it for Ontario. Dunno if you heard the ad's on the radio, seems they are trying to justify these rate increases. I've talked with 2 different insurance brokers about vehicle policies and they both had the same story, too many new foreign drivers. I swear it's all collusion and price fixing...
. I swear it's all collusion and price fixing...
That's probably most of it. There are also problems with privacy laws. People abusing the system need to be flagged and prosecuted, privacy be damned. Right now there are hundreds of thousands of abusers that never have significant consequences but drive up the costs for the rest of us.
That's probably most of it. There are also problems with privacy laws. People abusing the system need to be flagged and prosecuted. Right now there are hundreds of thousands of abusers that never have significant consequences but drive up the costs for the rest of us.
Yet the rest of us get rapped for data. I called around for a new bus insurance, and a lot of the questions didn't even pertain to what I needed. I tried avoid whatever I could but all the brokers said was they cannot get a quote without the info. It would be really helpful if there was some consumer agency or gov agency that outlines what is exactly necessary to get these quote without give up all your personal info.
Yup insurance industry keeps on rigging it for Ontario. Dunno if you heard the ad's on the radio, seems they are trying to justify these rate increases. I've talked with 2 different insurance brokers about vehicle policies and they both had the same story, too many new foreign drivers. I swear it's all collusion and price fixing...

When I first moved to Ontario I noticed how terrible the driving was and came to the conclusion of "foreign drivers", not the way people may think.

Immigrants from China have a certain driving culture and style that works back home, drivers from India have a certain driving culture and style that works back home, drivers from Sri lanka have a certain driving culture and style that works back home.

Now throw tens of thousands of each of these drivers on the same road along with migrants from a hundred other countries and of coarse canadians and things become unpredictable.

Unpredictability is what causes accidents. Add in the main character syndrome that has taken over society lately and it's chaos.
When I first moved to Ontario I noticed how terrible the driving was and came to the conclusion of "foreign drivers", not the way people may think.

Immigrants from China have a certain driving culture and style that works back home, drivers from India have a certain driving culture and style that works back home, drivers from Sri lanka have a certain driving culture and style that works back home.

Now throw tens of thousands of each of these drivers on the same road along with migrants from a hundred other countries and of coarse canadians and things become unpredictable.

Unpredictability is what causes accidents. Add in the main character syndrome that has taken over society lately and it's chaos.
Oh I get the nonsense on the road, and how drivers bring habits from other places here which don't work.
It just seems the insurance companies are all on the same page, and have prepared scripts ready why you rate will increase, regardless.

Just for fun!
China have a certain driving culture and style that works back home, drivers from India have a certain driving culture and style that works back home, drivers from Sri lanka have a certain driving culture and style that works back home.

Now throw tens of thousands of each of these drivers on the same road along with migrants from a hundred other countries and of coarse canadians and things become unpredictable.

Unpredictability is what causes accidents. Add in the main character syndrome that has taken over society lately and it's chaos.

^^This is why I prefer to not do the driving when I travel to foreign lands...

I'll drive in the USA of course... It's pretty much the same as here, but... In other places where I'm not familiar with local driving habits I leave it to the natives. Shuttle busses, taxis, hired drivers equals less stress for me.
Your daughter isn't their ideal customer and was priced out accordingly.
Best to check around occasionally and see if your company is trying to hint that they don't want you.
When I first moved to Ontario I noticed how terrible the driving was and came to the conclusion of "foreign drivers", not the way people may think.

Immigrants from China have a certain driving culture and style that works back home, drivers from India have a certain driving culture and style that works back home, drivers from Sri lanka have a certain driving culture and style that works back home.

Now throw tens of thousands of each of these drivers on the same road along with migrants from a hundred other countries and of coarse canadians and things become unpredictable.

Unpredictability is what causes accidents. Add in the main character syndrome that has taken over society lately and it's chaos.
Hmmm.. so insurance companies get a pass on age, gender, and marital status discrimination.

Wonder why they don’t use ethnicity?
Hmmm.. so insurance companies get a pass on age, gender, and marital status discrimination.

Wonder why they don’t use ethnicity?
They defecto do... try insuring a vehicle in brampton or markham
They defecto do... try insuring a vehicle in brampton or markham.
I do. I pay the neighbourhood premium and gave zero claims ever.
Your daughter isn't their ideal customer and was priced out accordingly.
Best to check around occasionally and see if your company is trying to hint that they don't want you.

She was a year ago...Lol.
Thing is.. her new policy is with the same insurer, just a different "broker"

I had a similar situation a few years ago.
'With an insurer for a decade or more.
No claims, no material change in needs
Premiums fluctuated up/down a bit year to year then one renewal... increased by 50%.
Needless to say... thatcwas the end of that relationship
She was a year ago...Lol.
Thing is.. her new policy is with the same insurer, just a different "broker"

I had a similar situation a few years ago.
'With an insurer for a decade or more.
No claims, no material change in needs
Premiums fluctuated up/down a bit year to year then one renewal... increased by 50%.
Needless to say... thatcwas the end of that relationship
I had an increase of a few bucks on my bikes this yr, I called riders plus and was told they don't make money on the policy, they get paid from the insurance company on how many policies they write
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