A little too fast

Does not compute. Getting nailed in the first place is a sign of bad driving. Not because she broke the law, but because she wasn't paying enough attention to be aware of the cops.

Because you were there and know exactly where the cop was hiding or if it was unmarked. Theory world.
Does not compute. Getting nailed in the first place is a sign of bad driving. Not because she broke the law, but because she wasn't paying enough attention to be aware of the cops.

A responsible rider doing 164 in a 60 zone on city streets ??!!
She should have been charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle and jailed and her bike bike impounded.
Did she ever think that perhaps the zone was designated 60 kph for a reason?
Another thrill seeker with wanton disregard for the safety of others.
Seems to be a lot of that going around these days.
I was passed on the 401 last week by a rice burner that was going so fast it was a blurr.
I was doing 115 and that thing made it seem that my bike was on blocks.
If that idiot had wiped out how many cars would be involved in the pile up?
Get these morons off the road and keep them off.
Hope the insurance companies excommunicate these numb nuts from getting coverage anywhere in Canada.
A responsible rider doing 164 in a 60 zone on city streets ??!!
She should have been charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle and jailed and her bike bike impounded.
Did she ever think that perhaps the zone was designated 60 kph for a reason?
Another thrill seeker with wanton disregard for the safety of others.
Seems to be a lot of that going around these days.
I was passed on the 401 last week by a rice burner that was going so fast it was a blurr.
I was doing 115 and that thing made it seem that my bike was on blocks.
If that idiot had wiped out how many cars would be involved in the pile up?
Get these morons off the road and keep them off.
Hope the insurance companies excommunicate these numb nuts from getting coverage anywhere in Canada.
I was passed on the 401 last week by a rice burner that was going so fast it was a blurr.
I was doing 115 and that thing made it seem that my bike was on blocks.
If that idiot had wiped out how many cars would be involved in the pile up?

You mean how many pieces of him would end up on how many cars? At 115 he could have been doing 150 and it seems like a blur. No need for the discrimination on vehicle choice. There's ******** driving all kinds of vehicles.

The new age mentality: Do what you want, where you want, when you want, as often as you want without a single thought or regard whatsoever of the consequences to others.
I guess the message here is that people who obey the law, act responsibly and show respect and regard for the safety of other users of the roads and highways are old fashioned, out of sync prudes.
If that's the case I wear that designation as a badge of honor.
Because you were there and know exactly where the cop was hiding or if it was unmarked. Theory world.
No, but if I DON'T know if the police are there then I DON'T drive in a manner that will get me a ticket if they are. I'll only break the rules of the road if I'm confident there are no cops to penalize me.

Counting on good fortune to keep the cops away is bad driving, by my definition.
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A responsible rider doing 164 in a 60 zone on city streets ??!!
She should have been charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle and jailed and her bike bike impounded.
Did she ever think that perhaps the zone was designated 60 kph for a reason?
Another thrill seeker with wanton disregard for the safety of others.
Seems to be a lot of that going around these days.
I was passed on the 401 last week by a rice burner that was going so fast it was a blurr.
I was doing 115 and that thing made it seem that my bike was on blocks.
If that idiot had wiped out how many cars would be involved in the pile up?
Get these morons off the road and keep them off.
Hope the insurance companies excommunicate these numb nuts from getting coverage anywhere in Canada.
Some 60 zones are retarded. It can be possible to ride safely (with no danger to OTHERS) at 100 over the limit, but then one has to be very certain about the environment they're riding through. Clearly, she wasn't certain since the cops were there!
The new age mentality: Do what you want, where you want, when you want, as often as you want without a single thought or regard whatsoever of the consequences to others.
I guess the message here is that people who obey the law, act responsibly and show respect and regard for the safety of other users of the roads and highways are old fashioned, out of sync prudes.
If that's the case I wear that designation as a badge of honor.
lol, you my friend are a stressed out uptight dude, doesn't my video agree with you? relax man it was a joke captain Canada
There's a time and place for this stuff. I've ridden with people who will weave in and out of traffic at 4PM down Yonge St mid town at ungodly speeds. I don't think that's ever a good idea considering cagers don't use their blinkers or check their blind spots; you're just waiting to kill yourself.

On the other hand, go a couple hundred clicks up north and certain roads in butt eff no where become drag strips.
Some 60 zones are retarded. It can be possible to ride safely (with no danger to OTHERS) at 100 over the limit, but then one has to be very certain about the environment they're riding through. Clearly, she wasn't certain since the cops were there!

I think I can shoot my restricted handguns safely at a gravel pit but I don't do it.
Why?, because it's illegal and out of respect for a concept that keeps civilization from rapidly turning into chaos called the rule of law.
If you don't agree with the provincial law or city ordinances contact your MPP or City Councillor to change them.

The fact that the rider/anti-hero in this saga got caught clearly accentuates the full meaning of the word TRAP in the terms "radar trap" or "speed trap".
Responsible citizens need to obey the law all the time not just when they are aware that they are under the scrutiny of the authorities.

Hope she never holds another pink insurance slip in Canada again and if she does I hope it costs her a bundle.
Those who are turning our roads and highways into meat grinders need to pay the price.
+1 that's what I was thinking why stop if your 50 over. If your 50 over and you see the cop and he sees you, Hammer on it baby

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

The defect in that logic is that radio waves travel at the speed of light which is a bit faster than even the fastest racing bike.
Attempting to "escape by flight" is significantly higher on the legal pain charts than speeding.
It seems that failure to assess consequences is difficult when your I.Q. is smaller than your helmet size.
Why?, because it's illegal and out of respect for a concept that keeps civilization from rapidly turning into chaos called the rule of law.

Before you start insulting people with IQ comparisons, you might want to read up on morals, values, believes, laws, business rules and the differences between them.
Responsible citizens need to obey the law all the time not just when they are aware that they are under the scrutiny of the authorities.

So you have never driven your car above 100km/hr? Ever?
So you have never driven your car above 100km/hr? Ever?

Don't think he does. This guy sounds like he has a general anxiety disorder that would trigger mass panic and an internal implosion caused by cognitive dissonance upon going 101km/h on the 401.

(He's cray cray).
Originally Posted by 2motors +1 that's what I was thinking why stop if your 50 over. If your 50 over and you see the cop and he sees you, Hammer on it baby

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

油井緋色;2207212 said:
Before you start insulting people with IQ comparisons, you might want to read up on morals, values, believes, laws, business rules and the differences between them.

You have a problem with I.Q. comparison "insults" but don't take issue with someone openly advocating illegal and dangerous behavior ??
Hope my or your wife or kid is not in the way when this guy or somebody like him "hammers on it" down the street in flight from police.
Why do I feel another "sport bikes shouldn't be allowed on the street" speech coming? We have enough of that around here. I'm sure you've never ever broken a single law. The defect in your logic is it makes no sense.
I think I can shoot my restricted handguns safely at a gravel pit but I don't do it.
Why?, because it's illegal and out of respect for a concept that keeps civilization from rapidly turning into chaos called the rule of law.
If you don't agree with the provincial law or city ordinances contact your MPP or City Councillor to change them.

The fact that the rider/anti-hero in this saga got caught clearly accentuates the full meaning of the word TRAP in the terms "radar trap" or "speed trap".
Responsible citizens need to obey the law all the time not just when they are aware that they are under the scrutiny of the authorities.

Hope she never holds another pink insurance slip in Canada again and if she does I hope it costs her a bundle.
Those who are turning our roads and highways into meat grinders need to pay the price.
I can respect that. For me, I find I can be a much more effective person in general by understanding the rules, the risks, and making a judgement about whether any actual harm or benefit will derive from ignoring them. Not just talking about laws here.

In the vast majority of cases I don't have enough info to flout the rules without consequences, so I follow them. But for road rules like jaywalking, coming to a full stop, speeding, and so on, it's usually pretty easy to judge what is safe and what isn't.
Why do I feel another "sport bikes shouldn't be allowed on the street" speech coming? We have enough of that around here. I'm sure you've never ever broken a single law. The defect in your logic is it makes no sense.

Nothing wrong with sports bikes. I've owned a couple myself.
Sports bikes are objects and can't form the intent to break laws or commit dangerous acts which might harm people. Only the riders can do that.
To make the statement "sport bikes shouldn't be allowed on the street" would be following the same falulty logic as the liberal gun control advocates in blaming objects and not people for irresponsible/illegal behavior.
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