a hypothetical scenario

Probably get flamed for not being a caring person but no way on earth id raise a rapists kid. Also hunt the guy down and slit his throat.
what the hell was my wife/gf doing out of the kitchen in the first place?
you are married/engaged and your wife/girlfriend is assaulted and left pregnant.

she wants to keep the baby.

what would you do ?

Nothing. It's not my body. It's her choice to keep it or not. The only choice that is yours is whether you will support the choice of the person you supposedly love and cherish.
Nothing. It's not my body. It's her choice to keep it or not. The only choice that is yours is whether you will support the choice of the person you supposedly love and cherish.

child support payments for 18 years
Nothing. It's not my body. It's her choice to keep it or not. The only choice that is yours is whether you will support the choice of the person you supposedly love and cherish.

but its your wallet, and your home .
So what? It's not like you're inviting the rapist to come live with you.

Just so I understand this, you would be ok dealing with the constant reminder, ergo the poor child? In effect, the child and the constant reminder is living with the rapist.
Just so I understand this, you would be ok dealing with the constant reminder, ergo the poor child? In effect, the child and the constant reminder is living with the rapist.

Thats not what he said. he said you have a choice of staying with the woman or not.
If its not your kid do you have to pay child support anyway?
I wouldn't have the kid, but then it's my body. But a rapist's genes shouldn't be passed on.

I tend to be pro life but in this case I would go along with your stand. However the question was to the opposite and the answer is a no win situation. Keep the kid, lose the hubby. Lose the kid and eventually hate the hubby. Since a split up is virtually inevitable the latter creates a cleaner slate for all.

For the definative answer watch Coronation Street AKA Copulation Street.
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