900,000 students coming in…

I hate these fake churches.
Keep Church for Christians. Not Hindus and Muslims!
Sorry but you don't even make a good racist. Hindus go to a Temple and Muslims go to a Mosque.
And if christianity actually turns out to be true most of the "christians" you meet will go to hell.
Speaking of churches…apparently the ‘protest’ is Khalistans (?) attacking Hindu worshippers…bringing a conflict from back home here…fantastic…

Good - let them go at it.

Saw this on twitter:

Why the hell are we even tolerating this here?
Send them back!
On that note, public sector last year grew by about 3% (much of the growth at municipal level). Private sector was roughly zero. Propping up GDP by increasing permanent expenses that need to be funded via taxes is a terrible idea.
Stretching things a bit but....

Some African military dictatorships maintain control by taking underfed, homeless rag wearing people and putting them in the army. Three hots and a cot plus a uniform and blind eye to indiscretions, throw in an AK-47 and who's going to argue.

Our civil service is well paid and provided for and are in a position of power. Are they likely to rebel against a crooked leader? Our PM has too much power.

Governments aren't like grocery stores where you (Theoretically) have an alternate choice.
Sorry but you don't even make a good racist. Hindus go to a Temple and Muslims go to a Mosque.
And if christianity actually turns out to be true most of the "christians" you meet will go to hell.

"The new Anglican Church at the end of my street has embraced Diwali."

He wasn't talking about temples and mosques. He was talking about a church. Where is the racism? Are you reading the thread or just looking for opportunities to call people racist?
I'd like to remind members to keep the banter clean. I don't want to see accusations even in jest of racism, etc.
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"The new Anglican Church at the end of my street has embraced Diwali."

He wasn't talking about temples and mosques. He was talking about a church. Where is the racism? Are you reading the thread or just looking for opportunities to call people racist?

I've had crazy/busy days where I inadvertently skim over the point at hand as well.
We've all been there - it's all good.
Peel cop a member of the Khalistani thugs that attacked the temple in Brampton

The poor quality video ended just at what appeared to be the officer getting involved in a scuffle. That opens a ton of ethical and legal issues. While police officers should be entitled to the same rights as all Canadians they must recognize that their training and responsibilities holds them to a higher standard.

At some point one has to recognize attendance is no longer appropriate and leave.
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