6 AM and its 11 degrees, going up to 16....


Well-known member
No way the season is done if we keep getting days like this!!! Get out there boys and girls, for having such a ****** October, November is being pretty good to us. I rode everyday this past week...
Me too, This is gorgeous weather.
Put 350kms on yesterday and off for the morning commute in 10mins.
Yup. Totally riding to work today.
I was gonna bus it but now that you mentioned it hhmmmmmmm.....
So glad I didn't store the bike as of yet...was about to yesterday :p guess being lazy helps. lol
Rode to work at 5am in the dark. It'll be dark on my ride home from work as well. Oh well, I may not get to enjoy the sunshine but at least I'm not caging it.
It was warm this morning :)
I underdressed this morning - that 7 am 12 degree number really got me excited, ah well the ride home will be nice.
I underdressed this morning - that 7 am 12 degree number really got me excited, ah well the ride home will be nice.

Did you go squid??
I wore my jacket, gloves and jeans and hand the grip warmers off and it was a beautiful 30 mins down the 401.
Did you go squid??
I wore my jacket, gloves and jeans and hand the grip warmers off and it was a beautiful 30 mins down the 401.

No, similar gear to you, twice as long as a commute. Bottom line is I am a pussy when it comes to the cold.
No, similar gear to you, twice as long as a commute. Bottom line is I am a pussy when it comes to the cold.

Ahh lol, Yeah I guess coming from a snowmobile background helps when it gets cold.
I was actually sweating, on my way in to work today. Got in around 6:00am and my on-bike thermometer was reading 10C, which is plenty warm enough for me. Ended up opening up the helmet vents.

I was actually sweating, on my way in to work today. Got in around 6:00am and my on-bike thermometer was reading 10C, which is plenty warm enough for me. Ended up opening up the helmet vents.


Nice Schuberth! I have the new SR1 and love it...
I just rode home at 3pm, sun shining, warm.. beautiful riding temp.. such a drag the sun will be down in 2 hours.. but oh well i don't have anywhere to ride anyway.. :(
Then ride nowhere. Sometimes that's the most fun ;)

Exactly; I did a big "figure 8" with Smithville and Waterdown being the outer most edges... and NO highways... well except for coming up the 403 hill and playing on the two left-hander ramps.
It has been such beautiful weather this past weekend and today. Did over 200kms since Friday afternoon. I took a trip down to Port Dover on Friday after work. The family took a hike around the Devil's Punch Bowl, so I rode over to meet them. This morning I drove my son to school (twice don't ask) headed home and swapped for the bike. Ahh November...
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