Asking for a friend?You doing a pick up of some bikes?
Asking for a friend?You doing a pick up of some bikes?
these large scale elaborate plots usually involve an inside man, a disgruntled or underpaid employeeA Brink’s employee later confessed to be part of the plot.
these large scale elaborate plots usually involve an inside man, a disgruntled or underpaid employee
Also, a handsome rogue with a dark past, a scrappy young sidekick spouting one-liners at the most inappropriate moments, and a femme fatale with shifting loyalties.
Also, a handsome rogue with a dark past, a scrappy young sidekick spouting one-liners at the most inappropriate moments, and a femme fatale with shifting loyalties.
doh, someone always cavesFeb. 24, 1976 Millions - between $2.7 million and $10 million - was taken from a Brink’s truck when a van carrying a .50-calibre anti-aircraft gun blocked the truck and forced the driver to open the doors outside a Royal Bank branch in Old Montreal. A Brink’s employee later confessed to be part of the plot.
Montreal was at one point the bank robbery capital of Canada. A guy I worked with was on the jury for that trial.Feb. 24, 1976 Millions - between $2.7 million and $10 million - was taken from a Brink’s truck when a van carrying a .50-calibre anti-aircraft gun blocked the truck and forced the driver to open the doors outside a Royal Bank branch in Old Montreal. A Brink’s employee later confessed to be part of the plot.
Thanks captain obvious.Inside job
Last I heard was ~$37,000 to bring a container this way. Wouldn't be that surprised if it was much cheaper to send a container that way. It could be
Assuming it is an organization not a chain of independent contractors, cost to acquire roughly zero (use stolen tractor trailers to pull stolen trailers so it's not even your fuel), they go on a boat in Montreal and end up in europe (I suspect QUOTE]
$37000?? Don't think so. Last year full shipping container to Bremenhaven or Hamburg was under $3000, $1500 CAD to ship large SUV there. So actual cost per bike is very low.
MalakaOh Ziggy, you and your crazy scams
Bulgaria is a good choice, but I think it's most likely China or Pakistan. Karachi is a wild place for stolen ****, like there is a known underground market where you show up to buy whatever you fancy from fake painted on brembo calipers to 2021 Panigale V4S. As for China, it kinda has a known port for all things illegit showing up. You cannot register the vehicles there, but if you get caught, just slip the ol constabulary some tea money along with your demi royal status princling cert and off you go into the sunset.
Of course these are all second hand knowledge from reliable sources, so take it for whatever...Except for the fake brembo calipers, they're everywhere in Asia.
Or maybe they’re already in a shipping container headed back to Europe, to be sold to mafiosos in countries less worried about law and order? Either way, if someone offers you a screaming deal on a new 2022 KTM in the next few months, you might want to check that VIN …
You can put all these bikes in 2 shipping containers, they cost $1,500 each to ship anywhere in the world, my question is where's customs? When I shipped my car to a foreign country they almost sent me to an interrogation room to know where I bought it, why I was shipping it, the name and address of previous owner, the name and address where I was shipping it, and all the documents that it was my vehicle.Article says they will probably be shipped back to Europe and sold in countries where registration is a lot looser, so more like Bulgaria than Germany.
But that raises more questions for me. Is the profit margin that good that it will cover a transatlantic shipping cost and overland transfer? Plus all that risk? After all, these bikes have to be sold under MSRP, otherwise the buyer will just buy a legit KTM.
I'm sure they sell KTMs in Bulgaria...
Not like it's some ultra-rare $500K exotic car. It's a $15K mass-produced motorcycle...