+50km/h over in PA.. Careless in Ontario?

This happened to me in NY. 115 in 55. Lawyer up. And then pay the fine. Just get a local lawyer. More often then not, even in NY and MI, if the fine is paid they won't send any info up here. You will keep a clean record.
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I was in PA for the weekend and drove on highway 90. There were construction zones which had 55mph signs, but the traffic flow was still going around 80mph.
Although my ticket wasn't anywhere near those speeds, this is what I did in hickville VA. Called a law office in the town where the court was.... asked them if they thought they would be able to change the ticket to a non moving violation. Done and Done.... it cost me $200 for the lawyer, I paid the ticket on-line and we're done.

Have him call a law office down there and see what they can do... they'll have a pretty good indication. The way I see it.... I was happy, the town was happy (because the ticket for the non-moving violation was actually a bit more money), and the lawyers were happy.
I got pinched in Tobyhanna, PA for speeding several (21) years back. It did not reflect on my Ontario record and I never paid the ticket.
As long as he pays it nothing will happen. If in new york or michigan it WILL show up. Found this out the hard way, however the speed wont. It simply says *OUT OF PROVINCE SPEEDING* which is BS cause i paid a lawyer 600 bucks to get it from 10mph over to 5 over lol, live and learn i guess.

Also got pinched in california, colorado, indian and nevada. paid the tickets and never heard anything. however soon i wont be allowed back into colorado if my streak continues lol
A co-worker didn't pay a speeding ticket in NY about 15 years ago. 10 years later, he was arrested at the boarder.
Luckily, he was able to give his passenger his bank card and PIN to get the cash to pay the fines. They would not let him leave the jail to get money.

Oddly enough, he had been crossing the boarder every month for years...
PA - just pay it and be done with it.

I got a ticket in West Virginia I belive, for 95 in a 55 zone, or 90 in a 50 zone, $250 fine later everything is good.

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