507 Crash this past weekend

油井緋色;2519617 said:
I've only been to the 507 once and never went back for this reason.

80% of the corners are blind and you need to be going at 170km/h at minimum to get any thrill. There is also no run off with a ditch on one side and hill/wall on the other.

A message to any rider that reads this and wants to go push limits at the 507: this is what race tracks are for. What you don't pay for in fees on legal roads you will pay with your life or blood when you **** up.

If you live in the GTA and you live for highway on and off ramps the 507 and other roads in the area are nice and twisty, but only relatively speaking and a ride there and back is a day trip. At reasonable speeds few of the corners are blind and it's just a pleasant ride vs. a straight side road or the highway.

If your looking for real twisty roads then you really have to head south for a few days and relatively few of the 507 type riders have the time to do this, so they try to make the best of what's available to them. It also means riders have little real experience riding fast and pushing the limits of their bike and then you have to factor in the group dynamic thing where some are sucked along riding too fast for their ability, but don't want to be the slow guy. On the 507 this means pretty excessive speeds and when something bad occurs it happens very fast with deadly results.
If we're compiling a list of disappointing roads, Rattlesnake point is literally two corners (maybe 3 if you are obscene with the throttle). Lane discipline is atrocious on that hairpin in both directions by bikes and cars.
Id agree its the not best, but as far as getting a ride in from the oshawa area that is around the 6 hour times frame I dont know of anything better. 507-3-118-haliburton 19/14/7. As soon as the time frame goes up to around the 8 it gets not enjoyable for me at least, im just too uncomfortable/sore. Anything like southwood/bala/518 is 2 hours and change for me in a straight line to get up there, then the same back. Thats torture.
this is how you get killed....


I just watched a few parts (26 minutes is a long time to watch a boring video). Looks like ~180 in the straights, 120 to 130 in the corners. Mostly on his side although he does change lines a lot in some corners. Riding way too close in formation with a group of random riders that he caught near the end.

Haha, Wayde Salmon appears to be using his real name on his youtube channel and posting video where he says he is riding and shows video of his speedometer grossly over the speed limit. Smart man.

Quote from his video posting
"Riding my BMW R1200RT on Highway 507 on twisting and winding road.
Wayde Salmon

Took a ride up to highway 507 for a nice twisting road on my BMW R1200RT; OMG, it was such a nice right.

First time I've ever gone that fast around corners.

I was riding with a friend, so sometimes I had to slow down to make sure he was ok because he was behind me; his bike has a limiter at 200.

I'm not the most skilled rider, only two years riding, but I think KM's ridden is more important than years riding. I've gone over 15000 KM in two years, which sometimes is equivalent to someone riding 4 - 5 years."
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this is how you get killed....


Do you mean passing a cruiser in the same lane on the outside (at 19:10) only to pull over and let them all pass less than a minute later?
I wonder if guys like this don't fall under the same category as the bored biker thread; "maybe motorcycles aren't for you?" If he's that desperate to make it exciting that he'll sacrifice his life and others, perhaps he needs a different hobby.
Do you mean passing a cruiser in the same lane on the outside (at 19:10) only to pull over and let them all pass less than a minute later?

Was thinking the same thing. From 19:00 - 21:00... Was that really necessary...?

From an identical cluster (in mph - http://www.ebay.com/itm/OEM-BMW-R1200RT-WC-R1200RTW-Cluster-BMSK-Key-Set-Great-Deal-/182244775950 ), it seems he hit around 180km/h when passing only to hit the brakes hard to pull over within the distance he covered.

At the same time, the 2 year mark seems to be the year where most riders get overconfident and do stupid things. Whether or not it kills them is a different story.
Well one thing is virtually certain. Given a triple fatality, the local detachment commander will be on the boys/girls hard, to spend a little more time on traffic enforcement on the 507 in the coming weeks. They may also be thinking the group of clowns from the 400 series have moved to different areas to fly under the radar for a little while.

Not to mention the locals will not be happy with riders for a few weeks given the speeds of the groups. Could see some whack job deciding to take it upon themselves, to try to do a little "speed control" via gravel in corners etc.

I have done the 507 many times on my bike, in my car, and with my pickup towing a trailer and ATV. More than a few times I have had to take HARD evasive action to miss a fool in my lane on a curve, thinking they were Rossi.
Last October I posted about the 507 fools, and got some flak for it... Yes I ride 507 spirited but have been for over 20 years (I live near by). I know every bump, corner and inch of that road... The weekend warriors (from GTA?) have now just ruined it for everyone. I expect the OPP's radar to be on me this weekend because of these idiots. I like to have fun as well but I have seen so many kamakazi fools on this road that the recent fatalities are of little surprise. It's too bad Darwinism doesn't just end at that, now the rest of us are going to pay for this (literally). Oh well, I have a few other roads in mind I'll have to utilize before the squids ruin them as well. Secret roads are tough to keep but I intend to have at least a few great rides before the radar gun hoards are unleased. I'll probably stay off 507 for awhile until the heat cools down. Happy Apexes.
After riding the Tail of the dragon this summer and a bunch of roads around there its depressing if you are looking for fun and technical roads in Ontario. Still love riding and being on 2 wheels but to be honest the rush of riding it a dozen or more times in a few days I now need to get a track bike for Ontario. lol
Tragic. RIP to all.

Saw this comment to the groups Instagram account from the daughter of Scott:

My father is dead now because of the terrible choice that one of these men made. To the other drivers in this group, and to others reading, please drive carefully from this day forward. Respect the road and drive the speed limit. Your adrenaline rush is not worth the life of another. Condolences to the families involved.
I was at Flynn when the group pulled in. Weird to think that 3 of those riders I saw would be deceased shortly afterwards. My reaction when I saw all the sport bikes was horror, very rarely do large sport bike group rides end well. Especially a group that size. Such a needless tragedy...
油井緋色;2519892 said:

wow! whats the story behind this?

edit: Ok, found out the below from a GoFundMe page:

"On the first weekend of April 2017 Yammie Noob driving on a suspended license crossed over the center double yellow line while filming himself and other riding buddies for their YouTube channel and impacted the 2006 Cayman S. Yammie had recently been involved in another accident and was carrying only the minimum amount of required insurance in the state of Texas. The other driver has been in and out of the hospital with spinal injuries and multiple herniated disks. The minimal personal injury protection afforded by Yammie's policy has almost been exhausted and the other driver is still facing more treatments and recovery. Yammie also claims he has no income despite receiving substantial royalties from his YouTube channel, merch, and this being his second gofundme, after a previous accident. ."
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