300 smokin 600cc and 1000cc supersports

Don't get me wrong, I respect the smaller bikes & everybody has a choice but don't tell me if you put 2 persons of similar skills on each of those bikes, the 300 will come out on top all the time

Not any time. If you turn the same lap times on a 600 as you do on a 300 you need to stay on that 300 until you learn some stuff.

The guys on the big bikes in the video are obviously new track riders. Pretty dumb comparison.
Don't get me wrong, I respect the smaller bikes & everybody has a choice but don't tell me if you put 2 persons of similar skills on each of those bikes, the 300 will come out on top all the time

My guess would be the rider on the small cc bike has more skill than the guys on the bigger bikes that make a small cc bike faster.
Other than that, a tight twisty track with no real long straights where a big cc bike could stretch it's legs could possibly keep a smaller bike competitive.

Yeah let's be real here. All this nonsense about 300's vs SuperSports is brought on by guys who have to continually try to convince themselves and others that buying a 300 is somehow a smart decision.

I have one of the least track focused 600's on the market and my Ninja isn't even slightly comparable to my FZ6R. The difference between a N300 and a 636 is like comparing the gravitational pull on the moon compared to the earth. It's not even operating under the same physics.
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The internet demands content. True or False? Doesn't matter, physics don't care. Personally, I like a clean Busa ridden with restraint. Very sexy, I've seen you twice now, whoever you are (wink). Going places instead of going in circles, uh-huh.
My guess would be the rider on the small cc bike has more skill than the guys on the bigger bikes that make a small cc bike faster.
Other than that, a tight twisty track with no real long straights where a big cc bike could stretch it's legs could possibly keep a smaller bike competitive.


I couldn't hear the video (at work) but there's a HUGE difference between a 250 gp bike and a ninja 300 compared to a Superbike.

It takes skill to ride any bike at a good pace. Riding a 190hp Superbike fast around a track is harder then most people think.
That video reminds me of all those guys in civics trying to race me at the lights. Gunning it when the lights go green. I was not really racing or even thinking of it, but he's probably recording it & posting it on civic forums. Boasting how he smoked a super sport
300's arent faster than a 600 but a good rider on a 300 will be faster than novice on a 600. It all depends on how fast you're willing to ride not how fast the bike can go.
That video reminds me of all those guys in civics trying to race me at the lights. Gunning it when the lights go green. I was not really racing or even thinking of it, but he's probably recording it & posting it on civic forums. Boasting how he smoked a super sport
Plenty of guys on SS get smoked by fast civics them claim they were not racing.
I couldn't hear the video (at work) but there's a HUGE difference between a 250 gp bike and a ninja 300 compared to a Superbike.

It takes skill to ride any bike at a good pace. Riding a 190hp Superbike fast around a track is harder then most people think.

You should watch the video with sound Derrick.

The 250GP bike was a privateer bike, racing in OPEN. Haslam on his RGV500 Pepsi Suzuki GP bike, 2 works HRC RC30s, the factory Norton F1...
You clearly don't know what's up. For starters woodbridge tim hortons has a few guys with spoon engines.

Wtf is a spoon engine?

Tried googling it and got this:
You clearly don't know what's up. For starters woodbridge tim hortons has a few guys with spoon engines.
I can vouch for this.
I can also assure you that they have a fat guy with a purple bike that likes donuts.

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
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