23 M1 S1000RR $12000/yr

As a moderator i may be out of line saying this.( i would say it to his face btw). If you got caught twice riding dirty,then we would probably be rid of you in the motorcycle community.Which would be a good thing.
Normally i would end this with "ride safe".But i won't,because i really hope you don't ride at all with your attitude.

The term "more money than brains" seems to apply to the OP.
I love how you’re all harping on the OP for being a ‘new rider’ and ‘get more experience’ and ‘don’t get that as a first bike’.
Nowhere did the OP say they weren’t experienced. Nowhere did they say this was a first bike.
Until the OP says that, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe they have track experience? Riding experience in another country? All the OP said was that they recently started going through our lovely graduated license program and is disappointed with the insurance quote.

To the OP - don’t make me look bad. This is a perfect time to chime in and say you have been riding since the age of 3 and was a racing prodigy that rode circles around people on the track!

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I love how you’re all harping on the OP for being a ‘new rider’ and ‘get more experience’ and ‘don’t get that as a first bike’.
Nowhere did the OP say they weren’t experienced. Nowhere did they say this was a first bike.
Until the OP says that, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe they have track experience? Riding experience in another country? All the OP said was that they recently started going through our lovely graduated license program and is disappointed with the insurance quote.

To the OP - don’t make me look bad. This is a perfect time to chime in and say you have been riding since the age of 3 and was a racing prodigy that rode circles around people on the track!

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If it looks like a duck,and sounds like a duck,it's prolly a duck.
If it looks like a duck,and sounds like a duck,it's prolly a duck.

I know....
And I know that you’re all probably right, but until the OP comes out and says they’re a beginner, I don’t have all the facts and therefore can’t judge them for their decision.

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:sneaky: 2 speed automatic and you can maybe get one with 3 wheels, what could be easier.
I know....
And I know that you’re all probably right, but until the OP comes out and says they’re a beginner, I don’t have all the facts and therefore can’t judge them for their decision.

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Not judging, being factual and realistic.
OP is an adult.

You make a decision based on your research. You know the consequences and what other people think about your decision. You can do whatever you want and the result will be up to you. You can be an ******* with the litre bike, or you can prove others here wrong by really be careful and be responsible.

However, judging by your marital status, you are not wise enough to make rational decisions. :D
As a moderator i may be out of line saying this.( i would say it to his face btw). If you got caught twice riding dirty,then we would probably be rid of you in the motorcycle community.Which would be a good thing.
Normally i would end this with "ride safe".But i won't,because i really hope you don't ride at all with your attitude.
Sorry if this is rude, r u guys too old to understand emoji? :sneaky:
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I love how you’re all harping on the OP for being a ‘new rider’ and ‘get more experience’ and ‘don’t get that as a first bike’.
Nowhere did the OP say they weren’t experienced. Nowhere did they say this was a first bike.
Until the OP says that, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe they have track experience? Riding experience in another country? All the OP said was that they recently started going through our lovely graduated license program and is disappointed with the insurance quote.

To the OP - don’t make me look bad. This is a perfect time to chime in and say you have been riding since the age of 3 and was a racing prodigy that rode circles around people on the track!

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Thx man
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OP is an adult.

You make a decision based on your research. You know the consequences and what other people think about your decision. You can do whatever you want and the result will be up to you. You can be an ******* with the litre bike, or you can prove others here wrong by really be careful and be responsible.

However, judging by your marital status, you are not wise enough to make rational decisions. :D
Well, that status is gonna remind you being rational all the time, learn from the mistake.;)
It's been a while since we've had one of these threads. :sneaky:

OP, what you're doing is the equivalent of buying a Lamborghini as your first car.

It's a really awesome car and all, but you have neither the skills nor the acquired knowledge to actually drive it to it's limits to begin with (which of course, being a Lamborghini and all, is just yelling at you to try regardless), and because of the insane risk of you crashing and both injuring yourself as well as destroying or severely damaging the car, insurance companies would rape you.

So, most people buy modest first cars that are more realistically affordable and more suited to their skills to begin with. They gain experience and the trust of their insurance company. Ideally they get some advanced driver/rider training along the way. THEN they buy the rocketship once they have actually (hopefully) gained the skills necessary to operate it without it ending badly.

You're going about this all wrong.

Buy a more modest bike - even a 300-500cc bike will still take you several years to learn to ride to it's limits....and I don't mean "going fast in a straight line", either.

I hope you didn't buy the bike already?

Honestly, $1000/month was actually not as high as I figured. We've heard worse.

And riding without insurance as was hinted at is silly. First time you need to run all the aforementioned lack of skill will catch up to you quickly. And then you'll have a whole other can of worms to worry about. And good luck outrunning a helicopter, which is what a lot of runners don't anticipate....
Thx man
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I just got a $7k quote today and I'm taking it.
Let no one in their early 20's complain about lack of funds ever again.

Ride safe!
If they catch you twice on an s1000rr, you shouldn't be on an s1000rr....
That is very funny . You know Keith Code owner of the California Superbike school chose the S1000rr as his school bike to teach beginners track riding. He said with all the electronics the bike has it was one of the safest bikes to ride. So maybe it is not the worst choice for a bike . That being said I would definitely be looking at a smaller bike to keep the insurance cost down. Once you get some insurable years the price should go down and you can buy a pretty nice bike with what you saved.
I love how you’re all harping on the OP for being a ‘new rider’ and ‘get more experience’ and ‘don’t get that as a first bike’.
Nowhere did the OP say they weren’t experienced. Nowhere did they say this was a first bike.
Until the OP says that, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe they have track experience? Riding experience in another country? All the OP said was that they recently started going through our lovely graduated license program and is disappointed with the insurance quote.

To the OP - don’t make me look bad. This is a perfect time to chime in and say you have been riding since the age of 3 and was a racing prodigy that rode circles around people on the track!
Good point!
Seven, what previous motorcycle riding experience do you have?
... only asking because us old guys fear for your safety just a little bit.
Regardless of how the op can afford the bike and insurance, which insurance company will even write that policy?
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